AIRC Letter to Secretary Cardona Re DOE Dear Colleague Letter

March 23, 2023
Dear AIRC Member,
I am writing to provide an update on actions that AIRC has taken in response to the Department of Education’s February 15 Dear Colleague Letter, “Requirements and Responsibilities for Third-Party Servicers (TPS) and Institutions” (DCL ID: GEN-23-03).
AIRC President Derrick Alex and I have sent a letter to Secretary Cardona to express our concerns about the Department’s Letter, and to advocate for the critical importance of institution – educational agency partnerships. You may read our letter here.
We are also sharing information and coordinating with our sister international education associations, including NAFSA and The Alliance for International Exchange. You may find helpful the additional resources available through NAFSA, including suggestions on how you can take action.
We expect that the Department of Education will be issuing additional information in the coming weeks in response to the comments that have been submitted. We will keep you updated as new information becomes available.
Thank you for your membership in AIRC and please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
Brian Whalen, Ph.D.
Executive Director