The Sir Cyril Taylor Memorial Scholarship For Study In The US


The Sir Cyril Taylor Memorial Scholarship for Study in the US awards funds to institutions to enroll underrepresented or disadvantaged students from the United Kingdom to study in the United States at AIRC member institutions. While AIRC administers the scholarship, the receiving institutions are responsible for managing the students’ application process and selecting which students receive the scholarship.

The total scholarship amount per institution ranges from $5,000 to $10,000 USD. This amount will be determined by AIRC and will notify the institution of the amount prior to the student(s) enrolling in the program. Institutions may award scholarships to multiple students and determine how the funding is applied to the students’ accounts. The program length, academic focus, and degree level are determined by the receiving institution; however, the start date must be either Summer 2025, Fall 2025, or Spring 2026. The scholarship funds are available to students pursuing full-degree or short-term, non-degree programs. Awarding of scholarship funds is dependent on student enrollment.

The institutional application for the 2025-2026 academic year is now closed.

Prospective student

Are you a UK citizen or permanent resident interested in studying in the United States? There are a number of secondary and higher education institutions with scholarships available. You can view the institutional recipients at the links below. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact the institutions directly.

Congratulations to the 2025 Institutional Recipients!

Click the link below to learn more about the institutional recipients and contact each school directly for more information.  You can view the full press release here.

2025 Institutional Recipients

Congratulations to the 2023 Institutional Recipients!

Click the link below to learn more about the institutional recipients and contact each school directly for more information. You can view the full press release here.

2023 Institutional Recipients

Congratulations to the 2024 Institutional Recipients!

Click the link below to learn more about the institutional recipients and contact each school directly for more information. You can view the full press release here.

2024 Institutional Recipients


To be considered for the scholarship funds, your institution must be an active AIRC member and ensure a timely membership renewal each year. Once awarded, institutions must also ensure that there is adequate staffing to administer the scholarship. This includes recruiting and enrolling the student(s), as well as distributing the funding and collecting survey responses during and after the completion of the program. Once institutions have been selected, all UK citizens or permanent residents interested in studying in the US at a secondary or higher education institution are eligible to apply. The funds will be disbursed to the chosen institutions upon the student enrolling at the institution.


The funding is available for scholarships for underrepresented or disadvantaged students from the United Kingdom who wish to study at higher education or secondary institutions in the United States. Any students from the United Kingdom who meet the criteria are eligible to apply. A key criterion will be that students must self-identify as economically, socially or educationally disadvantaged. Each hosting institution will be required to ask student applicants if they have experienced — at any time in their life — any form of social, economic or educational disadvantage. This question will be elucidated by providing some detail in order to prompt students. For example:

  • Social: Being treated differently due to ethnicity, language, religion or sexual orientation.
  •  Economic: Receiving any form of government aid or growing up in a single parent household on one income that is below the poverty threshold.
  • Educational: Overcoming a learning disability or attending low performing public schools.


AIRC will convene a selection committee that will review institutional applications and determine recipients. Selection will be based on the institution’s demonstrated ability to recruit and enroll students, the type of program offered that fits students’ interests and needs, and the institution’s ability to contribute its own funding to support students.


The Sir Cyril Taylor Memorial Scholarship for Study in the US will be available for students beginning Summer 2025. Below is the program timeline:

  1. AIRC member institutions apply for funding by December 13, 2024.
  2. The AIRC selection committee will review applications and notify institutions of their decision within 2 weeks.
  3. The selected institutions recruit students (with AIRC’s assistance).
  4. Selected students enroll in the pre-approved program. 
  5. AIRC provides the funding to the institution. 
  6. When a student completes their program, the institution will file a report with AIRC.


The Sir Cyril Taylor Memorial Scholarship for Study in the US is administered by the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) and is a member benefit. For questions, please contact

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