Member Engagement Opportunities

AIRC is a membership organization and our members contribute to the leadership, knowledge and programming of the organization. AIRC values its leaders and volunteers. Engaging with AIRC is a wonderful networking and professional development experience.

In addition to joining a committee, working group, or task force, AIRC members can also get involved by running for our Board of Directors or serving on the Certification Commission. AIRC members can submit webinar proposals, conference session proposals, receive an AIRC Annual Award, submit resource to the AIRC Member Resource Library, sponsor an AIRC event or activity, and more. Contact us to learn more. 


  • Conference Committee

    AIRC seeks volunteers at the beginning of each calendar year to help in the development and planning of AIRC's Annual Conference, AIRC's premier annual knowledge sharing and networking event.This committee is chaired by the Board of Directors’ President Elect. Contact if you are interested in joining this group. The Committee starts meeting in the winter each year and meets regularly through spring and summer through conference calls.

    Benefits of Engaging 

    The Conference Committee affords participants to curate the conference theme and support learning sessions, workshops, plenaries, special events and attendee engagement. By serving on this Committee, members learn about the proposed contributions and strengths of other members and contribute greatly to this ever-growing and important AIRC event.

    Overall expectations of Committee Members

    • Conference Committee members work together to define the conference theme. 
    • Supported by AIRC Staff, the committee reviews each conference session proposal and offers recommendations for the final program selections. 
    • Committee members are expected to be able to meet each month for an hour February through July and independently read and score the session proposals.
    • Conference committee members also help consider topics, themes, plenary speakers and other conference components.
    • Be exemplary AIRC members, promoting the values and ethics of the organization, as well as informing others of membership and membership benefits, when appropriate. 

    Who Can Join this Committee?

    The committee is open to any AIRC member type*. AIRC Committee members are dedicated to the mission and vision of AIRC by volunteering their time to serve on one or more of AIRC's member-driven committees. 

    *AIRC Committees are member-driven. Should you transition to a non-member institution or other employment opportunity, you understand you are no longer eligible to serve on an AIRC Committee. 

  • Nominations Committee

    This committee is led by the Board of Director's Past President to ensure a fair and transparent election process. Comprising 4-5 committee members, this group helps promote member nominations, participation in the election, and may interview and recommend the candidates that will form the election ballot slate. Contact if you are interested in joining this group. 

    Benefits of Engaging 

    Participation in this committee is ideal for someone who would like to be more involved with AIRC and desires to be involved in AIRC governance. Nominations Committee members help engage other AIRC members in considering leadership positions and supports the organization through developing strong governance structures.

    Overall Expectations of Committee Members

    Nominations Committee members must have several years experience as AIRC members. Experience on AIRC Board, committees, AIRC Certification Commission or other involvement is highly desired. Members must also have a strong and diverse network of colleagues in the field of International Student Recruitment.

    Time Commitment

    The Committee meets 3-4 times between April and July for about an hour each meeting. The Nominations Committee is re-established each year and led by the AIRC Past President.

  • Membership Committee

    The goal of the Membership Committee is to assess and improve member benefits and to help staff in outreach to current and prospective AIRC members. This group meets virtually once a month to discuss topics such as member engagement, concerns, resources, programs and awards. Contact if you are interested in joining this group. 

    Benefits of Engaging 

    The Membership Committee works on AIRC projects to engage, retain and build AIRC membership. Committee members have opportunities to propose new projects for AIRC to help develop and grow membership. Service on this committee allows for creative thought and outreach while supporting staff in membership functions.

    Overall expectations of Committee Members

    • Membership Committee members should be dedicated to the mission of AIRC and bring creative and entrepreneurial ideas. 
    • The Committee meets virtually once a month throughout the year for about an hour each month.
    • The Chair of the committee(s) will be appointed by the board and approved by a majority vote of the members of the full board eligible to vote. The Chair(s) shall be appointed to serve a two-year term, renewable for-third year.

    Who Can Join this Committee?

    The committee is open to any AIRC member type*. AIRC Committee members are dedicated to the mission and vision of AIRC by volunteering their time to serve on one or more of AIRC's member-driven committees. 

    *AIRC Committees are member-driven. Should you transition to a non-member institution or other employment opportunity, you understand you are no longer eligible to serve on an AIRC Committee. 

  • External Reviewing

    AIRC external reviewers are the standard verification and diplomatic corps and are selected from among AIRC’s Institutional Members. Reviewer selection is based on their high levels of expertise in carrying out the AIRC Certification process with the utmost integrity.

    Reviewers must meet AIRC qualifications in order to serve as an AIRC External Reviewer. They must be:

    • Knowledgeable of the AIRC Standards for Certification
    • Academically qualified, having earned graduate degrees in disciplines related to educational administration or related fields.
    • Qualified professionals who have gained the respect of their peers through their involvement in professional activities.
    • Effective communicators who possess demonstrated communication skills, observation skills, team-building skills, and report-writing skills.

    Individuals who have stature and reputation within their home institution and among the U.S. professional community of international student affairs and related areas, who are flexible and empathetic to diverse cultural contexts, fair and objective in decision-making and without conflicts of interest.

    Role of External Reviewer

    Reviewers function as fact finders for AIRC, taking on the roles of observers, verifiers, reporters, and evaluators. The first task of reviewers is to read the self-study report carefully and thoughtfully and evaluate the narrative and supporting documents against the standards. This evaluation process will guide the on-site observation and verification activities.

    During the agency review, the external reviewers:

    • Verify on site the accuracy of statements made in the educational agency’s self-study report (For example, reviewers examine selected documents and interview administrators, staff, and students.)
    • Gather additional evidence as to the overall quality of the educational agency’s service best collected on-site
    • Evaluate staff knowledge of the U.S. education system (for which the AIRC Professional Development Manual is a key resource); and
    • Observe facilities and record keeping
    • Report the results of interviews and observations
    • Provide a report which summarizes findings and recommends a certification status to the AIRC Certification.

    External reviewers sign a confidentiality statement outlining their obligations related to confidentiality, conflicts of interest, behavior toward others, and future relationships.  Normally, an external reviewer will not be assigned to an educational recruitment agency under contract with his/her institution. 

  • Working Groups

    AIRC’s Working Groups bring together international enrollment management (IEM) professionals and experts to provide critical guidance and support to AIRC’s initiatives, and contribute to the development of new and valuable resources for the membership and the IEM field.  Each Working Group is made up of 6-12 members, including a chair (invited by AIRC) and a Staff Liaison. Each group will develop timelines and work plans with direction and support provided by the Chair and AIRC Staff Liaison. Contact us at to learn more.

  • Other Opportunities

    Occasional sub-committees or special task forces are created for the purpose of considering a new hot topic or completing a one-time event or task, amongst other reasons. Usually, these groups have a specific goal and only meet a few times to discuss and deliver their completed task. Ad hoc or task force work is ideal for volunteers who have limited availability and a particular expertise. To be considered for a sub-committee or special task force please contact with your name and expertise or interest.

    AIRC members can also get involved by running for our Board of Directors or serving on the Certification Commission. AIRC members can submit webinar proposals, conference session proposals, receive an AIRC Annual Award, submit resource to the AIRC Member Resource Library, or sponsor an AIRC event or activity.  Contact us at to learn more. 

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