AIRC's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Declaration

Submit your comments and feedback about the AIRC DEI Declaration

Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force has completed its work and shared a DEI Declaration and Recommendations with the AIRC Board. This is an historic moment in AIRC's development as we move forward with what we hope will serve as a foundation piece for AIRC's new strategic plan. As such, I want to take this opportunity to give a heart-filled 'thank you' to our DEI Task Force members who worked diligently the past few months to produce this momentous document: DEI Task Force Co-Chair and Board Treasurer Bryan Gross, Board President Jing Luan, Board Member Val Daily, agency Member Gary Bergman, Board Member Vanessa Andrade, past Certification Commission Chair, Ismael Betancourt Velez, agency Member Sonya Singh, and AIRC Manager of Member Services Cat Marte. Without the generous contribution and knowledge of our Task Force volunteers, our Declaration could not have become the meaningful document that it is. The final step will be a vote to adopt the Declaration at the February Board meeting. Prior to that last step and in the spirit of inclusivity, we feel it's very important for all members to have an official opportunity to reflect on the declaration and provide feedback. We thank the contribution of members who have already provided valuable feedback during the session at our annual conference, which helped improve the current document. The context and timeliness of this work is of the essence.

To submit your comments and feedback about the Declaration, please email us.