2020 Award Nominees

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Finalists for AIRC’s Rising Professional Award

The award recognizes a new-comer individual from a member organization with less than five years of experience in the field of international education who has already achieved excellent results in the field of international education and who demonstrated strong commitment to the AIRC mission and quality standards by volunteering time and resources to the organization.

Stay tuned as we announce finalists in other award categories!

Finalists for AIRC’s Agency of the Year Award

The award recognizes an AIRC Certified recruitment agency that stands out for its noteworthy contributions and demonstrated commitment to the AIRC mission by volunteering time and resources, leadership, innovation and more. These agencies also exhibited creative solutions in COVID-19 times. 

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Finalists for AIRC’s Institution of the Year Award

The award recognizes a member institution that stands out for its staff innovation, commitment to the AIRC mission, excellence in the field of international education. Innovation and creativity in light of the coronavirus pandemic may also be noted.

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Finalists for AIRC’s Reviewer of the Year Award

The award recognizes an individual who has volunteered a significant amount of time and has made meaningful contributions to serve AIRC as an external reviewer of agencies applying for AIRC Certification; or has served as an AIRC Certification Commissioner during the last year. These nominees uphold AIRC's quality standards.

Dr. Patrick Colabucci, Director, International Programs UCLA Extension, AIRC Commissioner and Reviewer

Dr. Patrick Colabucci, Director, International Programs
UCLA Extension, AIRC Commissioner and Reviewer

Dr. Jim Hamrick, Director, English Language Institute University of Tennessee, Knoxville, AIRC Commissioner and Reviewer

Dr. Jim Hamrick, Director, English Language Institute
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, AIRC Commissioner and Reviewer

Finalists for AIRC’s Distinguished Service Award

The award recognizes an individual from a member organization with more than ten years of experience in international education whose dedication, leadership, and wisdom have made an indelible difference to the field of international education and who made noteworthy contributions to AIRC while at the same time demonstrating commitment to the AIRC mission throughout their involvement.

Daryl Fong Chief Operating Officer AECC Global

Daryl Fong
Chief Operating Officer
AECC Global

Dr. Jeet Joshee Associate Vice President, International Education and Global Engagement Dean, College of Professional and International Education

Dr. Jeet Joshee
Associate Vice President, International Education and Global Engagement
Dean, College of Professional and International Education

Mark Lucas Director/ Chief Corporate and Business Officer iae Global

Mark Lucas
Director/ Chief Corporate and Business Officer
iae Global