Video Series

Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here?- Episode Eleven

Watch episode eleven for inside information about how recruiters are feeling and what extra measures they are taking in these unprecedented times to support students.

Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here?- Episode Ten

In episode ten the experts discuss schools are doing now that they’re back in session. Although we have been relieved of some unknowns related to re-opening, there are still some questions that remain unanswered. Watch now to learn more!

Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here?- Episode Eight

Watch episode eight for an interesting conversation about the new normal. How does social distancing, masks and class size all play into higher education? Synchronous or asynchronous? What is your school doing?

Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here?- Episode Seven

Watch Episode 7 for a very interesting dialogue between three perspectives representing institutions with different Fall 2020 reopening plans. As we all know, there are many factors that go into these decisions. What will be done to ensure student safety? How will the mental health of students be addressed?

Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here?- Episode Six

AIRC’s Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here Episode 6 encapsulates a discussion where AIRC members discuss virtual recruitment during lockdown. What's been working, what's not been working? Will virtual recruitment permanently replace face-to-face?

Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here?- Episode Five

In episode 5 of AIRC’s Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here, AIRC Certified agency member, IDP-Connect, shares its experience and expectations for Fall 2020, plus how institutions can help agency partners through these tough times.

Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here?- Episode Four

AIRC’s Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here are conversations on recruiting in the current climate. In Ep.4 of Where Do We Go From Here?, AIRC members reflect on the ways the AIRC community has helped them navigate these difficult and unprecedented times in international recruitment and enrollment management.

Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here?- Episode Three

Episode Three of Where Do We Go From Here?, highlights AIRC members discussing their initial reactions to the new governmental guidance for international students (now rescinded), and the potential longterm impact of similar policy changes in recent months.

Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here?- Episode Two

Episode Two of Where Do We Go From Here?, is a discussion where AIRC members delve deeper to talk through the intricacies and thought processes that go into planning a university's decision to go virtual for Summer and Fall 2020 semester.

Video Series: Where Do We Go From Here?- Episode One

In the premiere of AIRC’s: Where Do We Go From Here Series a candid conversation takes place where AIRC members discuss the thought process and planning behind a university's decision to open up the campus to students, faculty and staff for the Fall 2020 semester amidst COVID-19.