Election Results Are In!

Introducing our new Board Members!


These esteemed AIRC members have been voted into the Board of Directors by members like you. Let’s take a look at their continued contributions to AIRC over the years:

Sophia Iliakis- Doherty- Sophia has served on the Certification Commission, the Board of Directors, the Membership Committee and the Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce.

Val Daily- Val has participated in the Conference Committee for several years in addition to leading the effort of the Mentorship Program at the AIRC Conference.

Derrick Alex- Derrick has been a member of the Certification Commission for several years and is an active participant in AIRC through presenting at the AIRC Conference and assisting in Ad HOC special projects.

Kirsten Feddersen- Kirsten has previously been a part of the AIRC Board and is a strong advocate for AIRC through participation in several special task forces and the AIRC Conference.