Strategic Plan Working Groups

AIRC’s Working Groups bring together international enrollment management professionals and experts to provide critical guidance and support to AIRC’s initiatives, and contribute to the development of new and valuable resources for the membership and the IEM field.  Each Working Group is made up of 6-12 members, including a chair (invited by AIRC) and a Staff Liaison. Timelines and work plans will be developed by each group with direction and support provided by the Chair and Staff Liaison. 

All content produced by Working Groups is owned and used exclusively by AIRC to serve its members and the field of international enrollment management. AIRC makes final decisions on the quality and distribution of all project outcomes.  


Working Groups to be Established in 2021

The following 5 Working Groups are being established in 2021:

Research and Data Collection Working Group

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Joint Working Group with Diversity Abroad)

Educational Pathways in the U.S. for International Students

Essential Resources Working Group

International Enrollment Management Standards for Institutions

Working Group Descriptions and Deliverables

Research and Data Collection Working Group (2-year term)

This Working Group will advise and help guide AIRC’s data collection projects, including Educational Agency Market Intelligence Reports; a State of the IEM Field Survey; Data Insights Webinars; and a possible “Student Pulse” survey to document international student attitudes. This Working Group will assist in the development of survey questions, the analysis of data, and the dissemination of results.  Working Group members will be expected to serve for 2 years.

Expected Deliverables: 1) Educational Agency Market Intelligence Reports; 2) State of the IEM Field Survey; 3) Data Insights Webinars; 4) Student Pulse Survey.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Working Group (1-year term)

This Working Group will produce a white paper that makes recommendations and identifies resources that support the integration of diversity, equity and inclusion principles into international enrollment management operations and practices. This Working Group will offer a session at the AIRC Annual Conference where session participants will review and contribute to the draft recommendations. The goal is to produce final recommendations with accompanying resources in Spring, 2022. This will be a joint Working Group composed of members of AIRC and Diversity Abroad. The project is expected to be completed in spring of 2022.  Members of this Working Group will be expected to serve until the project is completed. 

Expected Deliverables: 1) A White Paper that makes recommendations on how to integrate diversity, equity and inclusion principles and practices into international enrollment management operations; 2) An annotated list of examples of best practices in integrating DEI principles and practices into international enrollment management operations; 3) a session at the AIRC Annual Conference to present and receive feedback on draft recommendations; 4) a webinar in Spring, 2022 that presents the final recommendations and examples of best practices.

Educational Pathways in the U.S. for International Students Working Group (1-year term)

The U.S. educational landscape is incredibly rich, spanning formal opportunities such as K–12 and secondary schools, vocational and business training, English language programs, community colleges, and undergraduate and graduate programs. Short-term study abroad programs, and volunteer, internship and cultural programs and experiences add to these rich options. This Working Group will produce a White Paper that outlines the distinctive pathways available to international students coming to the United States. This resource is expected to be a valuable contribution to the development of a national strategy for recruiting and retaining international students. The White Paper will make recommendations on how institutions and organizations that sponsor/provide/support these opportunities can and should work together to link these programs to create intentional pathways that respond better to the needs and goals of international students. The White Paper will include examples of existing articulation and transfer models that serve as examples to emulate. The White Paper is expected to be completed in spring of 2022.  Members of this Working Group will be expected to serve until the project is completed.

Expected Deliverables: A White Paper that: 1) provides outlines and descriptions of the diverse educational pathways available to international students coming to the United States; 2) makes recommendations on how institutions and organizations that sponsor/provide/support these opportunities can and should work together to link these programs to create intentional pathways that respond better to the needs and goals of international students; and, 3) includes examples of existing articulation and transfer models that serve as examples to emulate. A webinar in Spring, 2022 that presents and discusses the White Paper.

Essential Resources Working Group (1-year term)

This Working Group will assess what resources AIRC needs to develop in order to serve its diverse membership. Using a recent audit conducted by AIRC staff, the Working Group will discuss and decide what existing resource need to be updated, revised, or completely overhauled. In addition, the Group will make recommendations on what new resources need to be developed and how AIRC can continue to add, develop and update resources.

Expected Deliverables: 1) A set of recommendations on what resources AIRC needs to develop, revise or update in order to better serve its diverse membership.

International Enrollment Management Standards for Institutions (2-year term) 

This Working Group will develop a new, comprehensive set of International Enrollment Management Standards for secondary and higher education institutions. These Standards are intended to provide guidance to institutions in serving the best interests of students, the institution, and its partners.  The Working Group will use the best practices and guidelines that have been published as a launchpad for its work.  This work will involve soliciting feedback from AIRC members as well as key constituents and stakeholders according to the Standards Development Organization process that AIRC is obligated to follow. The new Standards are expected to be completed in spring of 2023.  Members of this Working Group will be expected to serve 2-year terms.

Expected Deliverables: 1) A comprehensive set of International Enrollment Management Standards; 2) a session at the AIRC Annual Conference to present and discuss a draft of the Standards and receive feedback; 3) a webinar in 2022 to present and discuss the draft Standards and receive feedback; 4) a webinar in 2023 to present the final Standards.  


Work Format

Working Groups meet virtually on a regular basis and communicate via email and/or AIRC’s Slack platform.  Timelines and work plans will be developed by each group with direction and support provided by the Chair and Staff Liaison. For example, depending on the topic, some Working Groups may choose to break into Sub-Groups to work on different aspects of a project, or individuals may be asked to contribute their specific expertise.   

Working Group Chairs

AIRC will appoint a Chair for each Working Group as well as a staff liaison.  Chairs provide leadership to keep projects on track and produce quality results. Staff liaisons assist in clarifying project goals and providing support. 

Working Group Member Application

Working Group members are selected through the application process outlined on the Application Form accessible below.  Applicants need not be a member of AIRC. Working Group members must be a member of AIRC if their current position falls within an AIRC membership category. This means that if you apply and are offered a position on a Working Group, your institution or organization will be expected to join AIRC if it is not already a member.  There are a limited number of working group positions for “public” members for those colleagues who are not able to become a member of AIRC at this time. Working Groups will represent the diversity of AIRC members and all member types. Colleagues can participate in only one Working Group at a time.

Key Dates

Working Group Applications Open: June 10 – August 1, 2021

Notification of Acceptance: By August 15, 2021

First Working Group Meetings: August - September, 2021

Application Instructions

To apply for openings on the 2021-2022 Working Groups, please submit your application materials by August 1, 2021 via the online form below.