AIRC-CCID New Affiliation

Contact: Stephanie Kelly

Executive Director

Contact: Brian Whalen

Executive Director

Community Colleges for International Development and the American International Recruitment Council Announce a New Collaboration (April, 2021)

Community Colleges for International Development (CCID) and the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) are pleased to announce a collaboration to expand high-quality, community college educational opportunities for students worldwide. The partnership will include a sharing of expertise between the associations, the development of new resources and programs specific to international enrollment management at community colleges, participation in each association's annual conference, and numerous opportunities for CCID member Institutions and AIRC members to connect and collaborate. In addition, the affiliation will greatly enhance the ability for students and families to discover and pursue the extraordinary advantages of a community college education.

Stephanie Kelly, Ph.D., Executive Director of CCID, stated,"CCID's collaboration with AIRC will enable community colleges to draw on some of the best expertise in international student recruitment as they share the incredible opportunities available at today's community colleges with prospective students."

"Together, AIRC and CCID will help to expand high quality educational opportunities for international students by helping to enhance international recruitment and enrollment capacity at community colleges," said Brian Whalen, Ph.D., Executive Director of AIRC.

About Community Colleges for International Development (CCID)

CCID is an international association of community, technical, and vocational institutions dedicated to creating globally engaged learning environment. Members engage within CCID's network to improve practice, participate in learning communities and collaborate to advance global opportunities at the college level. CCID supports student success and campus goals through helping members build capacity for comprehensive internationalization, partnership development, education abroad and international student recruitment.

About the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC)

The American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as a Standards Development Organization (SDO), AIRC safeguards the interests of students through the development of professional standards and collaborations between educational institutions, educational agencies, and service providers to advance student mobility and strategic international enrollment management.