
AIRC Board of Directors Appoint Three New Certification Commissioners

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For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Click here to contact Brian Whalen
Executive Director

New Commission members chosen to ensure that educational agencies follow best practices in international student recruitment and enrollment.

Falls Church, VA, (May 16, 2022) – The Board of Directors has approved three nominees to fill vacancies in the Certification Commission of the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC). Commission members oversee the AIRC educational agency Certification process and determine whether agencies meet AIRC’s agency standards. The new Commission members are Adam Julian of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Cristhina Starke of New Mexico Military Institute, and Cynthia Yu of the University at Buffalo, SUNY.

Julian seeks to make a positive contribution and support the field of international education and recruitment during his time at AIRC. "I believe that the standards AIRC upholds are critical, and ensure that the best interests of both international students and their enrolling institutions are met in a mutually beneficial way," Julian said.

With his many roles in higher education, Julian specializes in international student and scholar services, immigration practice, recruitment and enrollment, education management, and advising. Julian also has a successful record of developing and implementing systems, policies, and procedures. 

In addition to his work as a Director of International Student and Scholar Services at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Julian also holds the chair of NAFSA's International Student and Scholar Regulatory Practice Committee. Julian is a previous Fullbright Scholar recipient and holds a master's in International Education Management from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and a bachelor's in History from Indiana University.

Starke completed AIRC's International Student Recruitment and Enrollment Planning (ISREP) program and has attended AIRC's annual conference. Inspired by these experiences, Starke is joining the Commission to help make a deeper impact. "I feel that with my 15 years of experience in the international education field and with my secondary and junior college knowledge, I can contribute to the continued success of AIRC," Starke said.

A desire to connect with people of different cultures is a key influence in Starke’s experience working in international education. Starke specializes in faculty diversity training, international student recruitment, relationship management, international partnerships, academic program operations, and student immigration policies.

Starke currently serves as a Director of International Affairs at New Mexico Military Institute and is a previous International Department Director at Wentworth Military Academy and College. A graduate of Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas in Brazil, Starke holds a master’s degree in Psychology and a bachelor’s degree in Education. Starke speaks Portuguese, English, and Spanish and has a good comprehension of both French and Italian.

Yu's first-hand experience as a student working with agents gave her great insight into the workings of strategic recruitment in higher education. Having worked for more than a decade in international enrollment management (IEM), Yu strives to contribute to the AIRC community and promote internationalization in higher education. "My desire to contribute to the community and my passion for working in IEM led me to serve as a Commission member. I believe in the mission, vision, and values of AIRC," Yu stated.

Working with recruitment partners and agents on a global scale has contributed significantly to Yu’s knowledge and experience in relationship management. Other areas of specialization include international student recruitment and enrollment, strategic communication, immigration policies and procedures, data analysis and reporting, advising, and admissions.

Yu is an Assistant Director of International Enrollment Management at the University at Buffalo, SUNY. In addition, she previously served as an Assistant Director & China Regional Manager for International Admissions and Recruitment at the University of Albany, SUNY. Here, Yu holds both a master’s degree and bachelor’s degree in Economics. Yu is fluent in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese and intermediate in Shanghainese.

About the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC)

The American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as a Standards Development Organization (SDO). AIRC champions the interests of international students, educational institutions, and educational agencies through the development of professional standards and partnerships that advance effective and strategic practices in international enrollment management.

AIRC Statement on the Current Conflict in Ukraine

The American International Recruitment Council is deeply concerned by the senseless war in Ukraine and saddened over its impact on the Ukrainian people and others in the region. We support our members with staff, colleagues, partners, students and friends who are impacted by this tragic situation. And we stand with our AIRC member institutions and agencies who recruit and support Ukrainian students to pursue their dream of studying in the United States.

AIRC supports the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration call for Secretaries Mayorkas and Blinken to issue a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation and announce Special Student Relief (SSR) for Ukrainian nationals residing or studying in the United States. As the President’s Alliance noted, “TPS provides work permits and protection from deportation for those from designated countries who cannot safely return to their home country. SSR provides additional flexibility and relief for Ukrainian international students, preventing them from losing their F-1 status. There are 104,618 Ukrainian non-citizens in the United States who could benefit from TPS…and TPS and SSR would protect…nearly 2,000 F-1 Ukrainian international students.”

AIRC’s community is dedicated to the ideals of international education and its ability to foster global understanding. Keeping this goal in mind is more important now than ever before. Thank you to the AIRC community for all that you do to forge mutual understanding between individuals, communities, and nations.

AIRC- BMI New Affiliation

Contact: Brian Whalen                                                                                                                              

Executive Director                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

The American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) Announces a New Strategic

Partnership (September 2021)

AIRC is very pleased to welcome BMI as a new strategic partner that will help to introduce and promote AIRC to a greater number of educational agencies and stakeholders globally.

BMI’s extensive network of partners and clients include universities, language schools, post-secondary colleges, pathway providers, international schools, boarding schools, government associations and educational agencies from over 40 countries.

“We expect that this partnership will help AIRC to expand the number of certified educational agencies, helping to ensure that students educational experiences are as rich and rewarding as possible.” said Brian Whalen, AIRC’s Executive Director. “We are very pleased to be able to work closely with Samir Zaveri and BMI to advance our mutual goal of encouraging high quality recruitment experiences for students.”

BMI President and CEO Samir Zaveri commented, “By establishing a rigorous set of standards and evaluating educational agencies, AIRC helps students to be happy and successful. BMI events attract hundreds of thousands of students and parents across the globe each year and it is our hope that every one of these students is properly matched and receives the best possible advice when using an educational agency. We are therefore delighted to be AIRC’s strategic partner and to work together to inform education agencies worldwide about AIRC and encourage them to become AIRC certified.”

About BMI

BMI offers a variety of solutions to provide international education professionals with a multi-touch recruitment strategy which covers both online and offline activities across Africa, Asia, Brazil, Europe, India, Latin America, and the Middle East. Through over 85 high-quality events held online and locally around the world, BMI connects professionals from across the recruitment spectrum – from the parents and students who are planning their study abroad experience to institutional and senior level government representatives, school principals, counsellors, and agents.

About the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC)

The American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as a Standards Development Organization (SDO).  AIRC champions the interests of international students, educational institutions, and educational agencies through the development of professional standards and partnerships that advance effective and strategic practices in international enrollment management.

AIRC- CEAIE New Affiliation

Contact: Brian Whalen                                                                                                                              

Executive Director                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

The American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) Announces a New Strategic

Partnership with the China Education Association for International Exchange

(September 2021)

AIRC is very pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), China’s nationwide not-for-profit organization that develops international educational exchanges and cooperative agreements that span 170 educational organizations in more than 50 countries.

Plans for the partnership include a number of initiatives in which AIRC will share its knowledge and expertise in standards development. Both organizations are expected to work together to organize professional training to help promulgate international recruitment standards and best practices.

According to AIRC President Jing Luan, "AIRC's partnership with CEAIE will help to ensure that students have meaningful and productive educational experiences guided by standards of transparency, ethics and quality for international student recruitment and enrollment management.  Through the promotion of AIRC standards and training, this partnership will also benefit Chinese recruitment agencies and U.S. institutions for success in education mobility for the Chinese students.”

About the China Education Association for International Exchange

Founded in 1981, CEAIE is China’s nationwide not-for-profit organization conducting international educational exchanges and cooperation. CEAIE develops exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese educational community and other parts of the world, promoting the advancement of education, culture, science and technology, and strengthening understanding and friendship among the peoples of all countries and regions of the world.

About the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC)

The American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as a Standards Development Organization (SDO).  AIRC champions the interests of international students, educational institutions, and educational agencies through the development of professional standards and partnerships that advance effective and strategic practices in international enrollment management.

Understanding Current Travel Restrictions

What you should know about the Thrive Act 2021

To Recap:
The U.S. Congress recently passed the THRIVE Act, which updates Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) training and education policies and programs. An overarching goal of this new legislation is to improve veteran employment and codify the VA’s Principles of Excellence program through amendments to the Isakson-Roe Act. One amendment limits “providing a commission, bonus or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on success in securing enrollments or financial aid to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting or admission activities or in making decisions regarding award of financial assistance.”

This new language is clearly not in alignment with the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended, codified at 20 USC 1094(a)(20), which allows incentive compensation for the recruitment of “foreign students residing in foreign countries who are not eligible to receive Federal student assistance.” Because U.S. institutions receive funding for helping to educate veterans through the GI bill, there is concern that the THRIVE Act may impact GI bill funding to institutions if incentive compensation is paid for the recruitment of any student, including international students.

AIRC is now working with other associations and groups to call for corrections to the THRIVE Act. As an AIRC member, your institution has an important role to play.

How AIRC Members Can Help? Act Now:
AIRC members can play an important role on this issue through the following steps:

1. Review information on NAFSA’s website:
2. If you work at a U.S. higher education institution, speak with your institution’s federal relations officer about the potential impact of this legislation on your institution. Explain the specific impact on the recruitment of foreign students.
3. Ask the federal relations officer to reach out to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to request a technical correction be made that aligns the THRIVE Act with the language included in the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, codified at 20 USC 1094(a)(20).

Below are links to the members of both the Senate and House Committees on Veterans’ Affairs. It is particularly important for members in states that have representatives on one or both committees to reach out to the Committee members.

Talking Points When Reaching Out to Committee Members:
1. Emphasize the economic impact that international students have on the state and the congressional district where your institution is located:
2. Describe the positive impact of international students on your institution. Explain what percentage of international students come from agency, pathway and other recruitment partners.
3. 1 in 5 international students responding to last year’s QS survey indicate that they used the services of an educational agency:
4. The AIRC/NACAC survey from earlier this year indicates that 49% of U.S. institutions partner with educational agencies: AIRC - NACAC Survey Provides Insights Into Institution – Agency Partnerships — AIRC (
5. The THRIVE Act fails to align with the language in the Higher Education Act of 1965.
6. Review any decline in international student enrollment that your institution has experienced over the past few years. How will this new legislation have a further negative impact on international student enrollment?

Next Steps
1. AIRC will continue to advocate for a Technical Corrections bill that would modify the THRIVE Act so that it does not adversely impact institutional – agency partnerships and the recruitment of international students.
2. AIRC will keep members informed and let you know what you can do to assist in these efforts.

Thank you for your active membership in AIRC. Please feel free to contact, AIRC Executive Director, Brian Whalen, directly if you have any questions.

AIRC Applauds US Government Commitment to International Students


Today, the United States government–through the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona–has released a significant statement of principles, Reengaging the World to Make the United States Stronger at Home: A Renewed U.S. Commitment to International Education.You may watch their address here and read the joint statement here.



At the EducationUSA Forum Industry Leaders session, of which I served as a panelist earlier today, we discussed the opportunities for moving forward together to shape the future of international student enrollment. AIRC looks forward to playing an active role in this critically important work.

There is a full week of programming at the EducationUSA Forum, and registration is free. If you are interested, you may register here.

Thank you for everything that you do to recruit and enroll international students.

Brian Whalen
Executive Director

AIRC signs letter in favor of Durbin-Graham DREAM Act of 2021.

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Citing an uncertain future for hundreds of thousands of Dreamers, their employers, families, and communities after a Texas federal judge declared DACA unlawful and closed the DACA program to future applicants, AIRC joined more than 400 CEOs, University Presidents, and civic leaders in sending a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) urging them to pass the bipartisan Durbin-Graham DREAM Act of 2021.


The letter reads in part, “We urge the Senate to come together and immediately provide a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients and DACA-eligible individuals through the passage of the bipartisan DREAM Act, and if necessary, through budget reconciliation. We understand that no bill is perfect, but we believe this existing bipartisan bill is the best framework to protect Dreamers rather than starting over with new legislation,” stated the letter. Read the letter here. See the full list of signatories here.

The letter was convened by the American Business Immigration Coalition, a bipartisan coalition of more than 1200+ business leaders across the country from Texas to Idaho, Arizona to Florida, and the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, which brings together over 500 college and university presidents and chancellors on immigration issues that impact higher education. 

AIRC-CCID New Affiliation

Contact: Stephanie Kelly

Executive Director

Contact: Brian Whalen

Executive Director

Community Colleges for International Development and the American International Recruitment Council Announce a New Collaboration (April, 2021)

Community Colleges for International Development (CCID) and the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) are pleased to announce a collaboration to expand high-quality, community college educational opportunities for students worldwide. The partnership will include a sharing of expertise between the associations, the development of new resources and programs specific to international enrollment management at community colleges, participation in each association's annual conference, and numerous opportunities for CCID member Institutions and AIRC members to connect and collaborate. In addition, the affiliation will greatly enhance the ability for students and families to discover and pursue the extraordinary advantages of a community college education.

Stephanie Kelly, Ph.D., Executive Director of CCID, stated,"CCID's collaboration with AIRC will enable community colleges to draw on some of the best expertise in international student recruitment as they share the incredible opportunities available at today's community colleges with prospective students."

"Together, AIRC and CCID will help to expand high quality educational opportunities for international students by helping to enhance international recruitment and enrollment capacity at community colleges," said Brian Whalen, Ph.D., Executive Director of AIRC.

About Community Colleges for International Development (CCID)

CCID is an international association of community, technical, and vocational institutions dedicated to creating globally engaged learning environment. Members engage within CCID's network to improve practice, participate in learning communities and collaborate to advance global opportunities at the college level. CCID supports student success and campus goals through helping members build capacity for comprehensive internationalization, partnership development, education abroad and international student recruitment.

About the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC)

The American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as a Standards Development Organization (SDO), AIRC safeguards the interests of students through the development of professional standards and collaborations between educational institutions, educational agencies, and service providers to advance student mobility and strategic international enrollment management.