
Deceptive International Education Players

Marybeth Gruenewald, ECE® Director of Global Initiatives, explains three distinct and dishonest international education players and how agents and international admissions officers and recruiters can identify and avoid these perpetrators of fraud.

Legitimate and state-recognized colleges and universities provide unified programs of education that hold academic standards for admission and graduation, offer classes, employ credentialed instructors, offer student support services, and navigate a student’s journey with direction and guidance.

Player Number One:

Red flags abound when diploma mills reveal themselves to us. Historically, they have advertised in small notices within printed newspapers. With the advent of the internet, they have become more savvy, colorful, and bold. What are common tactics these unaccredited schools use? What are alerts that tell you, “this is too good to be true!” 

  • Students pay for degrees with these fraudulent players offering a piece of paper for $100-$500 USD. 

  • The message to buy is displayed with a sense of urgency. Buy now! Special deal if purchased within 24 hours! 

  • What will these dollars give you? A piece of paper with no legitimate value. Not a legitimate qualification that potential employers will require. Not a legitimate degree accepted by any professional state board. And surely not a legitimate academic record for pursuing further education in another country!

  • Diploma mills will promise a degree in a very unrealistic short time-----weeks, months not years! 

  • Diploma mills do not educate students; they mislead them and offer a scam. 

  • Diploma mills may use international addresses to avoid U.S. and other countries’ laws. 

  • If they do list a United States physical address, most likely that address will be the location of a nebulous post office box. 

  • Diploma mills might offer a toll-free telephone number listed in the United States; yet, your telephone call is answered by someone in another country. 

  • Students may receive an unbelievable amount of course credit from work or life experience. 

  • There are no required examinations, theses, or dissertations. 

  • Their websites show an abundance of warning signs:

    • No physical address or contact information will be listed on its website. 

    • The website does not have an .edu address.

    • The school name sounds terribly like a legitimate institution of higher learning. Example: University of Greenwich is a fully recognized public university in the U.K whereas Greenwich University began in Missouri, moved to Hawaii, and then settled in Norfolk Island, Australia. The latter was never recognized by any accrediting body. In 2002, Australian legislation passed to prevent further operation. It had been deemed a degree mill by the Sydney Morning Herald

Notably, if any of these fraudulent players list accrediting agencies on its website, none of those accreditation agencies are approved by the U.S. Council for Higher Education or any other countries’ recognition body.  And that last sentence brings us to

Player Number Two

What exactly is accreditation or institutional recognition? Institutional accreditation in the United States is a voluntary process where the higher education establishment will self-regulate and open itself to peer review. It assures prospective students that it meets a series of quality standards and expects institutions to maintain good practices in higher education in terms of operations, validity, and legality. Beyond the United States, Institutional Recognition is established by Ministries of Education, Grant Commissions, Charters, or via programmatic requirements. 

In the grand scheme of things, if diploma mills exist and must prove their dishonest legitimacy with an accreditation mill, then eventually that legitimacy would have to be substantiated by their credentials being recognized for further education, professional licensure, employment, and yes, even immigration. Hence, the fake credential evaluation report, or

Player Number Three.

There is no single authority in the United States for the recognition of institutional degrees and other qualifications, per the U.S. Department of Education. Professional, competent, and legitimate credential evaluation organizations within the United States are independent companies who follow a prescribed list of proven, high-quality standards, and best practices within the applied comparative education field. 

Within the United States, these credential organizations can be bylaw-abiding members of non-profit industry-led organizations such as the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services ( which was founded in 1987 or the Association of International Credential Evaluators ( which formed in 1998. 

Beyond the borders of the U.S., the Alliance for Credential Evaluation Services of Canada exists to join together independent Canadian credential services (, and within Europe, for example, members of the European Network of Information Centers or National Academic Recognition Centers provide authentic credential assessment services for educational and professional purposes (

Any and all of these deceptive higher education players will prey on unsuspecting international students and uneducated parents. As professionals in the higher education exchange field, we all have a duty to inform and guide our clients down the legitimate path to their pursuit of further education. Readers’ comments can be addressed to the author at

Digital Testing During COVID Lockdowns: Insights from China

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As international mobility rebounds following the pandemic, the ability to recruit and admit Chinese students–the largest internationally mobile population–will grow to be an even more important part of the enrollment equation. Downward trajectories in the number of students from China studying abroad in recent years, coupled with COVID disruptions to mobility, make efforts to lower barriers for Chinese students all the more critical. 

COVID’s Impact on Chinese Student Mobility

Pandemic lockdowns and their impact on students’ ability to access education around the world have made the international admission landscape more complex. China, which has maintained perhaps the most stringent policy with a “zero COVID” approach, continues to enforce lockdowns that impact the many processes on a students’ path to study abroad. One of these processes is testing. 

English proficiency testing, which is an admission requirement at many English-medium institutions, has been significantly disrupted in recent years, largely due to the reliance on physical test centers to administer exams. In China, the physical lockdowns that began again this spring and impacted more than 370 million people, have meant that students who need to certify their English as part of the application process have been unable to access in-person test centers. In March, local social media channels reported that 50 out of 68 paper-based exams were canceled at IELTS centers, as well as 22 out of 32 computer-based exams. Between March and May, all of the 82 TOEFL iBT test centers in China were closed.

The Chinese Student Perspective

Adding to what is already a stressful process, testing disruptions have increased anxiety among prospective study abroad students on their path to international higher education. On Chinese social media platforms such as Weibo and RED, students shared apprehension about their ability to obtain test scores needed to complete their applications. One student shared, “My test appointment was canceled due to COVID at the last minute, and my application deadline was coming up soon. I felt helpless because I had no idea when I could get the next appointment.” 

Thankfully, online testing continues to provide a solution that is recommended by both teachers and students. According to student comments from Weibo, “After several cancellations of my offline test appointments, my teacher recommended the Duolingo English Test to me. That was the first time I’d ever heard about it. After some quick research, I found out my dream school, the Art Center College of Design, accepts the DET.  I felt my life was saved.” As noted in a recent report on unlocking the global talent pool, digitization of the testing process is necessary in order to meet the growing demand for English proficiency testing, and to reach more international talent. 

Digital-first, Online Testing

The Duolingo English Test (DET)–a fully digital test that can be taken on-demand at home–has provided a sought-after alternative to traditional test-center-based English proficiency exams. The China-based DET team has witnessed firsthand the life-changing impact that digital English testing has had on students and their ability to pursue their academic dreams during these unprecedented times. In response to demand, the team began offering monthly webinars to both students and teachers in China, to help equip them in preparing for the test. 

Since March, the DET has seen test volume from China grow by over 120 percent year over year. In affected cities such as Shanghai and parts of Beijing, test volume growth has been even more pronounced. Having a DET score has opened doors for students to access education to various programs across many international destinations including US programs such as University of Colorado Denver and University of Houston, UK programs such as University of Southampton, University of York, and University of Exeter, as well as institutions within Asia such as the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 

Assessment technology proved that high-quality at-home testing was possible for hundreds of thousands of students during the pandemic. It’s unlikely that students will welcome a return to the status quo of in person, appointment-based testing even if test centers are able to fully reopen. Digital testing is no longer seen as a disruption, but rather a necessary and trusted component of the global  mobility landscape for today’s international students and institutions. 

The Duolingo English Test, which was founded in 2016, is accepted by more than 3,600 universities and programs around the world. With a mission to use assessment technology to lower barriers and increase opportunities for English language learners everywhere, the organization is well-positioned to serve students into the future where uncertainty abounds.

Social media’s vital role in the student enrollment process.

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The word social media is used for the computer-based society where you can share information, ideas, and thoughts virtually. In other words, social media is a virtual society where anyone can build a community of peers. The majority of people use social media to connect and interact with their friends, families and different communities. But social media is not just used to connect with friends, you can use social media as a tool for solving student problems, such as answering study abroad, immigration-related or visa processing questions. We at Exxeella use social media to provide consultancy services online that can be easily accessible. In our experience, it has proven very useful for reaching students throughout India.

Here are some reasons why social media plays a vital role in the student enrollment process.

Helps build authenticity

A strong social media presence attracts students to your organization. If your social media presence includes ratings and reviews, students will feel confident in your organization. At Exxella, our social media presence has helped us make the the enrollment process authentic and easy for our students.

Helps with student awareness

In this era of social learning, social media plays a very important role in connecting students to the courses. How can any student enroll in any program or course, if they do not know that such a course exists? Social media platforms can help students learn what courses are available.

Helps students get answers faster

Social media is a great way to engage students and answer questions. For example, we use Facebook, YouTube and Instagram actively to support and answer individual questions; if you have any doubt, you can post your doubt. Social media allows us to make the consultation process as easy as possible.

If you are not using social media in your recruitment strategy, you should consider adding at least one or two social media platforms for your team to manage. Even one social media platform, such as Tiktok or Instagram, can be a powerful tool for assisting international students in their study abroad journey.

About Exxella

Exxeella launched into the Edtech industry on core values of passion, trust, and commitment. EXXEELLA education group is a prominent abroad educational consultancy firm based in India and registered in the USA with remarkable success in the finest counseling and massive recruiting of aspiring students in various international universities and colleges across the globe.

To learn more about Exxella, please visit

The Human Side to Online Proctored Tests

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The role of an online exam proctor has changed over the last few years. PeopleCert specialists Dionysios Melles and Ioannis Terezakis explain why their work is critical to every candidate’s success. 

How does someone become an online exam proctor? 

Ioannis: You need to have some core competencies to get started. Firstly, you need to be able to speak fluent English because delivering an online service is a global business. Secondly, you need to have a strong customer service mentality, an eye for detail, and some essential soft skills such as the ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of people.

The role is all about helping people succeed and complete an online proctored (OLP) exam in fair conditions. This means ensuring people follow the examination rules and making sure things go smoothly for them. While we will spend time troubleshooting technical problems candidates encounter, mostly we are there to provide support and put people at ease. Taking an exam is stressful and it’s our role to help people feel comfortable and prepared so they can do their best.

Has the online exam experience changed since you started in the role? 

Dionysios: Yes, it has. Covid-19 has forced people to adapt; they are more invested in the process of online exams and the market is growing quickly.

As a result, the tools for invigilating exams have improved to keep up with increased demand and this has made the process of invigilation much smoother.  Our own proprietary online exam technology f.i., protects the privacy, security, and value of online exams with anti-fraudulent features and comprehensive data and reporting. This means we can give more personalized assistance to candidates and deliver a more complete package to people, no matter where they are taking their exam. 

What does an online proctor do to make the exam process better for candidates? 

Ioannis: We make sure all the practicalities are in place and the exam goes to plan on a technical level. But really our role is about creating a positive experience, so people can focus on what matters most – doing their best in their exam and achieving the outcome they need. To do this, we’ll often provide guidance ahead of the exam and give them the confidence of knowing that we are there to help them achieve their goals.

What advice would you give candidates - both in advance of taking their exam and on exam day itself - to be well-prepared? What are the mistakes to avoid?

Dionysios: Read the manual! It sounds obvious but it will help you prepare and know what to expect on the day. There won’t be any surprises then and you can focus on demonstrating your new-found knowledge. I’d also recommend trusting the system, which includes being respectful of the process. Some might think because it’s an online process they can cheat the system. But really, it’s a human-centered process and it’s not worth taking the risk.   

Why do you think exam takers appreciate a digital first approach? Do you see this as part of a wider trend across the skills accreditation and education industries? 

Dionysios: I think we will see more online exams in the future. Right now, we’re proving the model works, but we have already seen exam takers adapt with ease and speed and increasingly choose the online option over alternative ones. There are two things that people want: simple access and a feeling of being at ease. Provided you have a stable internet connection and a quiet, secure location to take your exam, you can do an exam anywhere in the world, at any time you like. This means that you can make your exam fit around your schedule and lifestyle and means you don’t have to get to a test center you’ve never been to before at 7:00am. It’s far less stressful.

But it’s also more accommodating to your personal needs. It means that people facing mobility issues don’t need to worry about getting to a test center anymore. The obstacles of taking time off work or school to take an exam or the financial cost of transport become a thing of the past. If you want to have your pet nearby to calm your nerves, you can. Equally, you could have your new-born baby with you. It’s these human aspects that make online exams more appealing and accessible. 

What's the most satisfying aspect of OLP for you?

Ioannis: I love receiving the feedback that I have helped people overcome problems and feel comfortable taking an exam, regardless of whether they pass or not. Giving people a positive experience of online exams is really important to me. I also like to know I’ve helped them on their journey to travelling the world or getting a better job. Not many people can say that.   

Dionysios: Serving a global audience is exciting. It’s broadened my appreciation for culture and how I need to adapt my style and approach accordingly. For example, in Japan they love a very personal service; in India I need to deliver a more courteous experience while, in the US, they are very free-spirited. They just want to get on with the show! There isn’t a job like it.

About LanguageCert

LanguageCert is a leading provider of English language assessments for people of all ages and needs. Our portfolio includes the International ESOL 4-skill exam which is accepted by institutions and government bodies as evidence of English language proficiency in over 80 countries. We are committed to developing and delivering high-quality, internationally recognized language exams that enhance the career, education and life prospects of individuals worldwide. As part of the PeopleCert group, we have delivered over millions of exams to date in over 200 countries and are pioneers in online, live, proctored exams.

To learn more about LanguageCert, please visit

Language Assessment Literacy in a University Admissions Context

Much has been written about Language Assessment Literacy (LAL) in the context of the classroom. However, not much has been written about LAL for professionals working at setting international admissions policy or making international admissions decisions. Deygers and Malone in “Language Assessment literacy in university admission policies, or the dialogue that isn’t” (2019) state that research shows that admissions officers and policy makers are generally not well-versed in matters of LAL.

With the scope of English proficiency exams continuing to broaden, a framework for understanding how to approach LAL for admissions professionals is both useful and timely. 

Firstly, what is LAL? Here are two definitions that work in our context.

The Michigan Department of Education frames it this way: “[L]AL is the set of beliefs, knowledge and practices about assessment that lead a teacher, administrator, policymaker, or students and their families, to use assessment to improve student learning and achievement” (

Malone offers this definition: “Assessment literacy is an understanding of the measurement basics related directly to classroom learning; language assessment literacy extends this definition to issues specific to language classrooms.”  (Malone, 2011: online) 

An argument can be made that LAL in the context of international admissions will lead institutions to making better decisions about which students to admit and ultimately increasing retention rates among international students.

This bold statement can be digested a bit more easily when we understand several key concepts related to LAL:

  • Communicative competencies

  • 21st Century Skills

  • Positive washback

  • Marks of quality

  • Proof of CEFR alignment

  • Security

  • Reliability & validity

When English proficiency tests competently manage all of these key areas, we can be more certain of how well a student will succeed in our academic classrooms.

  • Communicative competencies relates to the amalgamation of linguistic, socio-linguistic, strategic and discourse competencies.

  • 21st Century Skills relates to the ideas of self-efficacy, motivation, problem solving, metacognition, creativity, conscientiousness, collaboration, critical thinking and perseverance.

  • Positive washback refers to the improvement in specific skills due to test preparation. In other works, developing language skills as a test preparation strategy and not just “teaching to the test.”

  • Marks of quality: which external quality assurance organizations have certified or accredited a specific exam?

  •  Proof of CEFR alignment: is the test specifically pegged to recognized benchmarks of ability and how is this evidenced?

  •  Security: how secure is the test and what steps are in place to ensure the identity of test takers and results.

  •  Reliability and validity: the extent to which an assessment method or instrument measures consistently the performance of the student.

Taking a deeper look into these areas of the English proficiency exams we are considering adding to the roster of exams we recognize for admissions purposes will enable us to be more secure about well these exams serve our purposes.

At Trinity College London, we take steps to ensure that all of our assessments meet stringent marks of quality so that the institutions that accept our tests can be certain that students are being recruited at the correct level for your courses.

Trinity College London is a leading international exam board and independent education charity that has been providing assessments around the world since 1877. We specialize in the assessment of communicative and performance skills covering music, drama, combined arts and English language.

With over 850,000 candidates a year in more than 60 countries worldwide, Trinity qualifications are specifically designed to help students progress.

Growing Number of International Students Target Schools in Metropolitan Areas

When international students search for their dream study abroad destination, proximity to metropolitan areas matters. Data from the 2021 Open Doors Report on International Education Exchange indicates that students want to study in locations that provide an enriching cultural experience and access to strong job opportunities.

Most Popular Metropolitan Areas in the US

More international students are pursuing education in densely populated areas now than ever before. In fact, the proportion of international students living in the top 10 metropolitan areas in the US increased every academic year from 2011/12 to 2018/19. In 2020/21, four in every 10 international students attended an institution based in a top 10 metropolitan area.

New York-Newark-Jersey City ranked number one. The area hosted a total of 84,972 students in the 2020/21 academic year and accounted for over 9% of all international students in the US. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim and Boston-Cambridge-Newton rounded out the top three, each accounting for over 6% of all international students in the US.

More International Students Targeting Major Metro Areas

The number of students studying in major metropolitan areas has risen steadily over the past 10 years. From 2011/12 to 2018/19, the number of international students hosted in the top 10 metropolitan areas increased by 53%, rising from 275,150 students in 2011/12 to 419,781 in 2018/19. But the most interesting nugget of data here is that the proportion of international students pursuing education in metropolitan areas is also growing

In the 2011/12 academic year, 47% of international students attended school in a top 20 metropolitan area. Last year, the top 20 metropolitan areas hosted 52% of international students. That increase of 5 percentage points represents an additional 45,000 international students who are selecting schools based in the US’s largest metros.

Student Places of Origin for Top Metropolitan Areas

While students from India, China, and South Korea account for the majority of international students in the US’s largest metro areas, there are some interesting outliers in the data.

Perhaps the most surprising trend is the concentration of Nepali students studying in the Dallas area. One in every 10 international students in Dallas last year was from Nepal, making Nepali students the third-largest international student population in the Dallas area.

Nepal doesn’t show up among the top 10 source countries for any other top 15 metropolitan area in the US, and it accounts for only 1.2% of the US’s international student population total. Yet one in five Nepali students in the US last year studied in Dallas.

Cultural Ties Attract Smaller-Market Students 

Why is this? Students and their families naturally gravitate to locations that offer them the strongest sense of culture and community.

In Dallas’s case, the city became the top area for Nepali and Nepal-born Bhutanese refugees to settle following the Bhutanese refugee crisis in the early 1990s. Today, the Dallas area is home to the Nepali Cultural and Spiritual Center, a booming Nepali food scene, and the largest concentration of Nepali immigrants in the United States.

Other surprise countries in the top 10 rankings of major metropolitan areas include Vietnamese students accounting for more than 10% of all international students in Houston, Saudi Arabia squeaking into the top three for Phoenix and Washington, D.C., and the unusually high number of students from Kuwait studying in S

The common denominator between all of these trends is an established, deep-rooted community living in these areas. Students from India, China, and South Korea can be fairly confident that there will be networks of fellow expats waiting for them in most large metro areas in the US. Those from smaller markets need to select their study abroad destination more carefully if they want to have access to the familiar culture, food, and languages of home.

Institutions, take note. If you are based in an area that has strong representation of certain nationalities, leverage those community ties when recruiting students from those countries.

About ApplyBoard

ApplyBoard empowers students around the world to access the best education by simplifying the study abroad search, application, and acceptance process. By connecting international students, academic institutions, and recruitment partners on a single online platform, ApplyBoard drives qualified student applicants and diversity to more than 1,500 campuses across Canada, Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. ApplyBoard has helped more than 300,000 students along their educational journeys.

To learn more about ApplyBoard, please visit

How Technology Tools Help Colleges, Universities and Agencies Recruit Great International Students

Technologies can be used to improve our ability to identify and recruit top student talents from across geographies. Whether it’s efficient screening of candidates or matching them with universities based on their academic interests, career goals, and personal values. 

In fact, multiple technologies can be incorporated into the entire student recruitment value chain: right from coaching for exams like IELTS, PTE and up to helping them get settled post their arrival in their chosen destination.  

Thanks to newage AI and machine learning technologies, colleges, universities and study abroad agencies have their goal of creating a user-friendly, engaging process that allows prospective students to explore different program options, compare schools, and ultimately select the right school for them.

Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are used to analyze thousands of data points and deliver highly accurate recommendations to students and study abroad aspirants. This helps understand each applicant better than ever before, enabling the creation of a truly unique profile of each candidate.

This means that personalized recommendations can be offered to students based on their previous academic history, helping them to make the right decision when selecting a university.

Technology can also be leveraged to connect with students and alumni who share similar interests and values, making the entire application process more efficient and enjoyable.

Technology can be used in other ways too. For instance, online forms are used to collect information from applicants, thereby saving time and money while ensuring quality control. We also use video interviews to give applicants a real-life feel for what life is like at our partner institutions.

Finally, a different set of tools are being used to track applications, monitor progress, and communicate with applicants. Email, phone calls, and live chat sessions are all used to ensure that every step of the application process is completed smoothly and effectively.

Technology is crucial to improving the recruitment process and creating a positive student experience. It provides a more personalized service, saving time and money while increasing the overall satisfaction of clients.

In this article, we'll share how multiple technologies are utilized to find, qualify, match and equip Indian students to study abroad. 

Tech for Exam Prep

Students prepare for exams like IELTS (Academic and General), GRE, TOEFL, SAT, PTE and Duolingo on tech-enabled platforms. Live online training that's interactive and pre-recorded training that's self-paced can be offered – with supplementary study resources loaded onto a digital platform.

This digital supplemental library can be loaded with thousands of video lessons covering various topics including vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, writing, speaking, listening, and pronunciation. User-generated content (UGC) and forums can also be leveraged for better results. 

Tech enablement makes it possible to offer real exam taking experience through simulated testing engines. Students can enhance their performance by learning how to study effectively in this way.

Key exam taking skills like effective time management can be dealt with extensively. When coupled with detailed feedback and practice tests, students take advantage of interactive tools to review their progress and prepare for future tests.

Tech for Program Shortlisting

AI technology can be exploited to analyze thousands of variables, including the student's interests, academic history, and career goals, to determine the most suitable course. Hundreds of colleges, universities, and programs can be efficiently indexed and made available for your student clients. 

If you're looking to match students to the right college abroad and vice-versa, it's important to consider factors beyond GPA and test scores. AI helps with the perfect match for students based on these additional factors.

Students who tech-enabled program shortlisting services receive personalized recommendations tailored to their specific needs. They can apply directly to the schools they've been recommended, saving them valuable time and money.

This also saves a lot of time and effort for colleges, universities and their agents. In fact, without taking advantage of the technologies and tools available at our disposal many of these activities are not possible. 

And so, because program shortlisting is powered by AI technology, students get access to the same information as university admissions officers. This means they can be confident in their decisions, knowing that they've made the right choice.

In brief, program shortlisting helps students find the best match between themselves and programs.

Tech for Student Recruitment Events

If you've ever tried to hold a study fair, you know how hard it can be to coordinate with multiple schools. But thanks to innovations in this area, recruiters and institutions can now meet prospective students at events like conferences.

Unique virtual events platforms that simulate real-life events are the trend these days. Schools and recruitment agencies can host their own study fairs online. Students will no longer have to travel far for school fairs. Participants can take part from anywhere, such as from home.

Schools can connect with applicants through live video streaming. Students can view presentations and ask questions directly to representatives from participating schools.

Many schools use these platforms to host their recruitment events and streamline the application process so that students are able to find information about their programs and apply more easily. Spot offers are provided as well. 

Finding qualified students who might otherwise go unnoticed is now possible. Event hosts can reach out to students who don't usually attend study fairs because those fairs are not always accessible.

Tech for Application Workflows

Tech-enabled platforms available today allow students to complete their entire college application process online. Students can upload their documents, interact with colleges and universities through recruitment agents via email, chat, and phone, and keep track of their application progress on a single dashboard.

With these platforms, students can apply to multiple schools at the same time, saving them money and time. They can also easily switch between schools, making the process seamless.

These modern systems also eliminate the risk of missing important deadlines and ensure that every student receives timely responses to their questions.

Students stay organized throughout the application process. They can access their application status, view transcripts, and update their information at any time.

The entire application process is streamlined and it provides students with a reliable way to manage their applications. The process nowadays is predictable, well-documented, and reliable.

Tech for Pre-departure and Other Value-Added Services

Alumni connect initiatives are now a close possibility where prospective students can interact with current students studying abroad. This offers many benefits including knowing the foreign country, learning about the universities through unbiased eyes of a current student. 

A fully integrated platform to up-sell services like SOP writing, ticketing, travel insurance, forex and more - makes it easy to earn more per client while maintaining the quality of deliverables. 

About Kanan International (

Kanan International has a dedicated technology stack for each of the use cases discussed above. In fact, without our technology backbone we would not have been able to handles 60,000+ successful cases since 1996. 

Our goal is to help students prepare for their overseas experience and to assist them in making the most out of their study abroad experience. We hope this helps our readers and their friends who may be considering studying abroad.

In conclusion, we've covered a few different ways Kanan's technology tools help colleges, universities and recruiters recruit first-class international students. These tools help us better understand the needs of prospective students around the country, thereby improving the recruiting process.

To know more about Kanan International’s services and offerings, please visit

How to find the right International Student Recruitment Service Provider

I was recently invited to participate in a presentation on the future of international recruitment. While doing my research and preparing my presentation, I looked back at the past 2 years of this global pandemic, and now the war in Ukraine. I soon realized that prophecy is indeed for fools, so before discussing the future of international enrollment and recruitment, I considered challenges in the field and how to solve them.

There is No Future without the Past

The best way to do this is to start with a brief history of our company. This will help you understand how I gained the knowledge and expertise to develop and evolve my company over the years into

I was an international student in the US from 1995 to 1999. Upon completion of my studies, I started an agency in 2000 to help students from Israel study in the US. Our company grew steadily to support students from Israel, Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, and MENA. Fast forward to 2019, we were confronted with more demand than we could handle. While we were brainstorming ways to help more students and maintain our high quality service and integrity, we realized institutions were facing challenges of their own. Let’s take a closer look at some of those challenges below.

Challenge # 1 – Recruiting during a Pandemic

The pandemic caused frequent changes in leadership, restructuring, staff layoffs, and new policies. Many voids have occurred such as expired agreements, zero communication, dissolution of international networks, or movement elsewhere. This has inevitably led to a strong decline in international applications and enrollments.

Challenge # 2 – How to stay competitive?

The pandemic has created a new reality. Virtual recruitment & online events have leveled the playing field. More and more schools around the world are joining the international recruiting game. Institutions today not only compete against the university next door, they’re up against schools from all over the world.

International students now have many more options than in the past, a wider array of academic programs/doctrine, and legal access to more countries. In the eyes of an international student, the differences between schools are blurrier than ever and the opportunities are overwhelming.

One effective and efficient way to attract students in this global market is to outsource some of your recruiting efforts, however, this brings us to challenge number three.

Challenge # 3 — What options are out there?

If an institution decides to outsource, the first challenge they face is understanding all the different partners, providers and services available. There are so many providers including Agents, Super-Agents, Aggregators, High School Counselors, Consultants, Pathways, Virtual Fairs, In-person Events, Platforms, Portals, Marketplaces, Lead Generators, Lead Nurturers, Organizations, Associations, Online Exams, Credential Services, Money Wires, Enrollment/Admission Software, CRM's and the list goes on. The options are overwhelming and it can be hard to distinguish one from another, bring us to the fourth challenge.

Challenge # 4 — Which provider to use?

I often hear that all providers are very similar, but in fact, there are fundamental and substantial differences among them. Their philosophies, visions, cultures, locations, history, structures, ownership, leadership, methodologies, and business models create a highly diverse market with seemingly few discernible differences. It’s true that international enrollment managers, admission officers, and recruiters of today need more and more skills, knowledge, and experience to navigate this chaotic landscape, but this is a reality in every booming industry. In order to find out which providers to work with, we start with identifying the differences.

- What purpose does each provider serve? Do they offer international visibility, brand name exposure, connectivity with students, recruiting events, admission technology, and other necessary attributes?

- What is their focus? Do they recruit in a specific country or region, specialize in secondary or higher education, operate in the financial markets or education enrollment? Which services actually compliment your work and which services overlap with current tasks? What ROI should be expected and is it aligned with your current strategy?

Answering these questions incorrectly can create more work, new tasks, and disappointing results. However, answering them correctly will make your job easier by taking many assignments off your plate, streamlining your process, and bringing positive results.

Crack the code

Before you start working with a service provider or partner, it is important to identify who you are. Here are some guiding questions to help you:

What type of institution are you? (e.g Public/Private/Affordable/Competitive/Religious/Military/Elite)
What differentiates you from the others? (e.g Location/Programs/Affiliations/Weather/Size)
What's your budget?
Do you have support from leadership?
How big is your team?
How much can and/or do you want to handle internally vs. what can you outsource?
Identify who your students are?
What are your institute’s objectives? (e.g Increase numbers and/or add diversity)
What are your institute’s targets?
What regions are you focusing on?
What are your incentives or value proposition?
Are you looking for high achievers or diverse learners?
Are you wanting graduate students or fully paid bachelor students?

Finding the right Service Provider

As I mentioned in challenge number four, you need to make sure your service provider fits your needs. At we use the motto “Be Smart & Keep it Simple.” We know it's challenging to make the complicated simple, but very easy to make something simple complicated. Executing this motto will require you to go back to the basics. This motto builds on the “Crack the Code” section of identifying who you are: once you understand your X factor, your service provider can help you find international students who are a good fit for your school.

At we focus on good fit because it has proven to be the most successful recruitment method for long-term retention. To demonstrate a good fit I always like to use my experience in the car industry. I bought my first car with my then small budget, so my options were limited. When I had more money I wanted a cool car (whatever that meant back in the day). But I had moved to live in a city with virtually no parking and had to settle for a compact car. When I got married I simply bought a practical car and, with the arrival of my third child, had to purchase a 7-seater SUV. Goodbye dream, hello reality! When applying this example to the education industry, you’ll discover that with international students, good-fit is key.

I hope this article has proved useful for you. Learn more about below.

By David Adler

CEO, Ustudy Global



In 2020 we successfully launched our technology solution and called it Applywave is an International Student Recruitment Pathway: an End-to-End solution guiding students from a lead to enrollment. It’s powered by a technology developed in Israel's silicon valley but is enhanced by industry professionals around the world. This platform not only solved many of the challenges we faced during expansion, it has also addresses many of the challenges institutions face in 2022. We decided to share it with others by allowing a curated list of agents to use the platform and take advantage of our resources.

Survey: International Students Increasingly Looking to the US to Provide High Quality Education

70% of international student respondents who chose the US as their study destination did so because of the country's perceived high quality of education.

Increasingly positive sentiment toward the United States and perceptions that it provides the highest quality of education globally is driving an increasing number of students to choose the US as their study destination.

Canada remains the number one destination of choice for students with 26% of all respondents stating it was their first-choice destination. However, this was followed by the USA (20%) and then UK and Australia in joint third place (19%). The US is also the leading second-choice destination for those intending to study in both Canada and the UK, suggesting that there is further opportunity for the US to grow.

Student perceptions of the leading destination countries are driving the choice of destination, with Canada ranking number one on key factors such as graduate employment opportunities, post-study work policies and welfare, while the US is perceived as offering the highest quality of education. This is further reinforced by the data: when asked why students chose the US as their preferred destination, 70% state that it is due to the high quality of education, with this figure rising to 81% among Indian respondents and 84% for Vietnamese respondents. Those who chose the US as their second preference did so because they felt the cost of living was too expensive and the tuition was too high, although safety was also a concern for students from China, Indonesia and Vietnam.

The research also highlights that best practice in post-study employment opportunities can lead to long-term gains for both students and destination countries. Alongside quality of education, post-study work opportunities are the key driver of choice. Almost two thirds (63%) and just over half (52%) of respondents stated that these were the reasons behind their first-choice destination. However, the survey results made clear that students will only be tempted to change their initial destination country of choice if offered better scholarships, guaranteed employment post-graduation or lower tuition fees.

Jonah Duffin, Director of External Relations at IDP said, “The growth in interest in the US, driven by the perceived high quality of education, is good news for the US. However, in my nearly twenty years working in this industry, this is the most competitive I have ever seen the global marketplace, with countries looking to not only grow international student numbers, but also to diversify the countries they recruit from. Intelligent, data-driven and targeted student recruitment strategies will be important in growth. In addition, the United States must communicate the value and return on investment of a US education to students who perceive it to have high costs associated with both tuition and living.”

Additional findings from the Emerging Futures research survey are available to download as an infographic report. 

In addition to student surveys, IDP also offers a range of insights on student demand and on-the-ground market expertise, such as our recent report on the Nigerian market
To learn more about IDP connect, visit our website.

Four Essentials for Effective Enquiry Management

Technology has given students across the world access to vast amounts of information and education options. This has been compounded by global disruption and uncertainty, leading to an increased flow of student enquiries into university inboxes.

It’s no surprise that universities can be found talking about ‘enquiry management’ as if enquiries were something to be tamed or perhaps a necessary evil in the student recruitment function.

What’s often missing from the conversation is the student. And more importantly, the opportunity to make a good first impression and build a connection that leads to enrollment.

Based on research done by Edified and others, we know that providing prospects with a positive experience is necessary for converting interest into enrollments.

You don’t want to scare students away with an underwhelming response or, worse, a negative interaction. You only get one chance to make a good first impression.

So, how do you make the most of that chance? What exactly needs to be done to deliver a great enquiry experience?

Drawing on communication reviews with institutions around the world, results from our comprehensive mystery shopping research program and conversion insights from over 1.2 million students managed by UniQuest, we believe success comes down to meeting student needs in four key areas:

Channel availability

Students want the ability to choose their preferred enquiry channel. For international students, that often means instant communication such as live chat or mobile messaging rather than picking up the phone.

To deliver a great enquiry experience, you must first consider the range of channels you’re offering to prospective students and ensure there is a match with student needs.


Gone are the days where prospective students are prepared to wait for weeks for universities to respond to course enquiries. Students expect a quick reply. No matter the day, the topic or the channel, a prompt response is highly valued.

That means responding to emails within 24 hours and providing an immediate response to live chat. If you’re not offering this level of responsiveness, there’s every chance you’re losing out to competitors who do.

Quality replies

So often universities send out general, templated communications. They feel impersonal and often fail to answer the specific questions asked by students.

Quality communications take student mindsets, knowledge and English proficiency into consideration. Long winded, jargon-heavy communications are a poor match with the interests and capabilities of the prospective student audience.

Timely follow-up

Student engagement can be maintained when there is proactive and timely follow-up from the university. The initial enquiry is the beginning of a relationship, and further communication builds trust and a deeper connection with the university.

Using these 4 key guidelines will improve your university’s positive response rate to student enquiries. Before you change anything, it is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your current process and how that compares to similar institutions.

This post was brought to you by Edified. Edified offers research, consultancy, and delivery services to post-secondary institutions. Edified has developed the Enquiry Experience Tracker to help universities understand how well they respond to enquiries from prospective students and what they can do to optimize their performance.

👉  Find out about the Enquiry Experience Tracker and how it can benefit your institution

👉  Learn more about Edified and how we can help you with student acquisition, experience, and retention

The growing need for online English testing post-pandemic

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An interview with English assessment expert Derya Uysal

Derya Uysal has been a professional in the education and English language sector for almost 15 years. She has worked for Pearson since 2015 and is currently the Client Services and Training Specialist with the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic). With a focus on training, Derya has worked with universities, migration and education agents, teachers, aspiring international students and migrants in understanding all aspects of PTE Academic and Pearson English language teaching and learning products. 

It’s no secret that poor English language skills lead to low international student retention. Students must have a good enough level of English to follow lectures, contribute to seminars and integrate into campus life. This makes language proficiency a priority for education institutions seeking international student candidates. 

Recruiters are therefore faced with a huge challenge of evaluating candidates’ English skills, both effectively and efficiently. With increasing numbers of international students post-COVID, this is certainly no small task, especially with ongoing lockdowns and travel restrictions in many countries. 

Secure online English language testing helps recruiters reach the largest number of international students possible. At the same time, it supports students who are unable to travel to test centers.

In this interview, language testing expert Derya Uysal takes a look at how online language tests can benefit both international students and educational institutions. She’ll review the pros and cons, explain exactly how online tests are proctored, and look at how institutions can start accepting online language tests. 

What are the advantages of online language testing?

“There are advantages for both test takers and institutions,” Derya says. “For test takers, the increased flexibility of online testing has made a big difference.” 

This is especially true in a post-COVID environment, when travel may still be difficult and a number of test centers may be closed. Even where travel is possible, the cost of traveling to a center to take a test can be prohibitive for many students living in remote areas. 

At the same time, test takers may have limited mobility or other special requirements – but with an online English test, they no longer face the same barriers to sitting a test. This means that institutions who accept online language tests can reach students they wouldn't be able to reach otherwise. 

On top of this, students can schedule their exam at a time that’s convenient for them. For example, with PTE Academic Online, booking can be made 24 hours in advance and results are typically available within two days. This means no more lengthy delays nervously waiting to find out if they meet the application requirements. 

There are benefits for institutions, too. “Students can move on with their application faster, allowing more people to meet application deadlines,” Derya explains. 

What are the requirements for online language testing?

For test takers, the most important thing when it comes to online testing is having the right equipment. “To take PTE Academic Online, a headset with an attached microphone is absolutely crucial,” Derya says. 

Test takers also need a good internet connection, a Windows or Mac laptop or desktop computer, and a quiet, private place where they won’t be interrupted for the duration of the test, which takes two hours. Test takers who don’t have access to these conditions might need to attend a test center to sit a test, as test centers offer a controlled environment where test takers are provided with a high-quality standard of equipment. 

“This is the drawback of online language testing,” Derya points out. At-home testing places the responsibility on the test taker to have the right equipment and environment for sitting an English language test.

Additionally, Derya explains that, currently, online testing is not generally accepted for visa applications, so candidates should check carefully what the entry requirements are before leaving their home country. 

Are online tests secure? 

Higher education institutions often worry that online tests are not secure and students may cheat. This could lead to a number of issues such as low student motivation or high dropout rates if applicants do not have the level of proficiency to thrive in their courses. Therefore, it’s essential that institutions choose a secure online test from a reputable exam provider. 

“There are five important steps to make sure that PTE Academic Online is completely secure. These ensure institutions can trust in each test taker’s score,” Derya explains. Let’s take a look:  

  • Advanced ID verification

Students have to take a photograph of their approved ID when they’re checking in for their exam. Then, identity checks are carried out by AI and a human greeter, who’ll verify the student’s identity. 

  • Test environment check 

As part of the test requirements, the student will have to upload photographs of the room where they are taking the test. The proctor checks to make sure the room adheres to exam conditions. 

  • Live proctoring 

Students are both recorded on a webcam and monitored by a human proctor throughout the test. The proctor can communicate with the student and has the power to cancel the exam if they think there is evidence of cheating or other suspicious activity. 

  • AI monitoring 

There is also an extra level of security with AI monitoring. It detects if there is another person in the room, or if the student changes places with someone else. 

  • Locked-down browser

This secure browser feature means that once the exam begins, students can’t access other files or apps on the computer, network or internet. What’s more, PTE Academic Online is a continuous, 2 hour exam. So there’s no opportunity to cheat during the break! 

As you can see, with the right tools and processes in place, online testing can be as secure (if not more so) as sitting an exam in a test center. 

How does online testing differ from in-person testing? 

Candidates may be concerned that this new way of testing will be unfamiliar or stressful. But they don’t need to worry. 

If we take PTE Academic as an example, the online test is very similar to the more traditional computer-based test which is taken in an exam center. In terms of the structure and content, the question types and the duration of the test are exactly the same. The main difference Derya highlights is a variation in the test day process, with students checking in to sit their test online, rather than at a test center. “However, since launching PTE Online in January,” she says, “we’ve had lots of positive feedback from test takers who have enjoyed the flexibility and comfort of doing their test from home.”

Find out more about PTE Academic Online

Currently, over 450 higher education institutions and universities around the world recognize PTE Academic Online. Over 220 of those are in the United States, including Cornell, Harvard Business School, Wharton Business School and the University of California Berkeley International Study Program. PTE Academic Online has made the process of applying to study at their institutions easier and more streamlined for international students. 

Fill out this form to learn more about recognizing PTE Academic Online at your institution.


Disclaimer: The following piece is an editorial, and should not be taken as legal advice.

On November 1, 2021, China’s Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) went into effect, expanding GDPR-like protections on the collection and use of personal data of users in China. We review some of the law’s provisions and unique features from GDPR, as well as important context for university compliance teams. We believe that the new law is worth following, as some key implementation details have not yet been published, but higher education institutions that comply with GDPR and FERPA don’t have much cause for regulatory concern with PIPL.


PIPL mimics the EU’s GDPR in many of its stipulations, including that companies employ a data protection officer, and that consumers have more control over how companies manage their data. Companies will now need to obtain individual consent to collect sensitive information such as location and financial accounts, and users will be empowered to switch off targeted advertising. And extra scrutiny applies to data processors that handle highly sensitive data like biometric information.

Other aspects, however, are more novel, including the requirement that large scale data processors store China-originated personal data within China and pass a security review. Organizations must undergo a security review if they process the data of more than 1,000,000 people in China, or 100,000 if the data is “important” or “personal.” The requirement for the localization of data hasn’t been published or announced yet, but the thresholds of 1,000,000 users or 100,000 users with personal data seem commonplace in other Chinese regulations such as the PIS Specification. 

A Beijing man checks his smartphone while riding the subway (Xinhua)

Analysis for Universities and Education Institutions

The good news about PIPL is that…Continue Reading

This article is brought to you by AIRC Strategic Partner, Sunrise International.
Click here for more articles by Sunrise International.

Role of technology in developing a comprehensive student recruitment experience

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The future of international student admissions is about providing an interactive, personalized, trusted, and seamless experience for applicants to find the right study destination, university, and course for them – enabled by world-class technology.

The average age of those in the Gen Z generation is 16 years old. Gen Z has grown up with access to technology that a decade ago people could only imagine. Smartphones, the internet, and social media have never been more accessible and widely used by Gen Zers! When it comes to studying, Gen Z students are adept at exploring digital resources to understand the admission process, researching studying experiences in a country or city, and planning their tuition and living costs, but they do almost everything online. That said, when it comes to making the biggest decision of their lives (studying abroad) Gen Z students are engaging with trusted brands in education more than ever. And when it comes to trusted brands, quality technology platforms are a must for these students. User-friendly, intuitive, and fast experiences are what Gen Z students expect, and if they don’t find what they are looking for they will go elsewhere.

Globally, there is an ever-growing demand for trusted and established recruitment agents to support universities' diverse student needs. Recruitment agents with innovative education marketing, recruitment technology services, and a wide presence across multiple digital channels are already emerging from the pandemic as channels for universities and colleges when it comes to supporting international student recruitment for Gen Z.

Student recruitment in the current digital arena requires comprehensive student research to build an application platform that integrates different aspects of the complicated and sometimes convoluted student recruitment process. Technology needs to answer questions instantly and in addition to support provided by trusted counselors. Students are seeking technology platforms that must guide them through courses on offer, the admission process, program career outcomes, emerging and popular destination choices, education funding, visa fees, scholarship offers, insurance selection options, tuition fees, and living expenses. Developing platforms that provide the experiences described can take many years and millions of dollars of investment. Platforms that are now providing students a streamlined, quick, convenient, and accessible solution coupled with a personalized support system for students and universities to track the application status in real-time are a must when it comes to choosing a trusted recruitment partner.

The next era of international student recruitment is dynamic and rapidly evolving, consider whether your student recruitment partners are evolving to support your institution’s students.

Top trending education marketing technology solutions for a comprehensive student recruitment experience:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions and AI Chatbot-as-a-Service: AI has immense power to simplify the admission process and shorten application turnaround time. AI can seamlessly connect and empower high school students, counselors, parents, and university representatives digitally to create fast, reliable, and easy processing of student applications. AI solutions can quickly eliminate unqualified applicants. It can check for incomplete application forms, missing documents for visa processing and pick applications nearing submission deadline on priority. Further, having an AI-powered chatbot can support students with answers to their general queries 24x7 365 days offloading much of the time and effort of university representatives who regularly answer common questions. Another evolving area of AI application is course recommendation engines that are increasingly integrated into student application platforms to provide course choices based on online career aspiration and personality skills assessments.

Online Personality Assessment Tool: Personality skills assessment is vital in giving international students career outcome-based course selection. Many international students come from a different culture and thus have different perspectives and attitudes to program choices. One of the salient features of a personality assessment tool should be its capability to present suitable courses to international students based on their personality traits, attitudes, inter-cultural skills, and behavioral patterns.

Social Listening: Embed social listening in the student recruitment marketing plan for international students to arrive and thrive. Social media is essential for educating potential students about your university. Because the pandemic has opened the door to multiple global education models, students and families have a plethora of opportunities to explore in current times. Engaging students through informative and meaningful content on social media platforms will be crucial to successful student recruitment in the digital age.

Digital Skills Marketplace and Internship-as-a-Service: Developing a future-ready community of prospective international students for the global workplace of tomorrow can give an excellent career headstart to students looking for career-focused study program options. It can also provide a bird's eye view of the employability success of the university's alumni in the industry.

Augmented Reality (AR): Virtual campus tours through AR will define technology tools for international student recruitment. It gives a tremendous engaging experience for the prospective students to learn and know about the university's environment online.

Real-time Student Insights Dashboard: With predictive analytics, it is convenient and quick to generate real-time data insights on emerging student destination preferences, course choices, behavioral patterns, and other trends based on global economic and political changes. It can help institutions adjust their recruitment plans and look for innovative ways to address the gaps and challenges in student recruitment.

Omni-channel Digital Presence: Creating engaging digital content on multiple popular social channels such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and LinkedIn help in educating and informing the prospective students and parents about the university's progress and development. Prospective students can be kept informed about the new course additions, fee waivers and financial aid, cutting-edge research expertise, rankings, alumni successes, and graduate employability score by corporates. A mobile-first approach, developing interactive student recruitment funnels, and conducting region-specific digital webinars can go a long way in creating a comprehensive digital solution to student recruitment.

What's more - after the recent re-branding of Facebook, the METAVERSE is the new buzzword. The pandemic has immersed Gen Z in digital gaming and online communication through chatting, whether compulsion or otherwise. It will be a trending topic to watch for in the coming months and could become the next game-changer in international student recruitment.

Bringing digital innovation to the forefront of international student recruitment will help institutions use data-driven strategies to identify optimal channels to reach their prospective international students at the right time.

By activating the appropriate digital touchpoints and implementing education marketing technology supported by relevant messaging at the proper time, universities can keep student attention, motivation, and engagement levels high. A well-digitized and integrated student application platform that includes real-time omnichannel engagement will be a critical differentiating factor for successful student recruitment in the future.

AECC Global: AECC Global is a leading global international education consultancy headquartered in Melbourne, Australia. We have supported the study abroad dreams of 50K+ international students, connecting them to the right study opportunities through over 750+ top educational institutions. AECC Global's EdTEch is a unified digital ecosystem that makes international education research and application a seamless self-guided process supported by expert education guidance counselors. AECC Global's strength lies in its 450+ highly committed employees across 38 branches in 14 countries and growing. Please feel free to visit our website for more details

WhatsApp Marketing for Student Recruitment

In this video blog, AIRC Sponsor and Simpled Founder and Director, Yasir Ansari, offers a step-by-step tutorial for setting up & using the WhatsApp Business for international student recruitment.

Click here to watch an extended version of this video where international university colleagues discuss the application and methods for integrating WhatsApp into their existing communication plans.

What should an Agent know about the Process of Obtaining an International Credential Evaluation?


Kimberly Hajec, ECE® Sales Manager, explains how Agents can obtain international credential evaluation reports/assessments for their clients.  

How can a credential evaluation benefit the students I am helping?

A credential evaluation can benefit a student in many ways. The most value it can offer is making sure that the student receives proper recognition for education they have already completed at the secondary or post-secondary level at an international institution. Credential evaluations validate work completed outside the United States and Canada and can offer a grade point average (GPA) calculation indicating how the GPA correlates on a U.S. grading scale. Certain evaluations can also calculate the number of credit hours a student has completed overseas. When making admission decisions, U.S. and Canadian institutions can use this information to decide if a student is admissible (at the graduate or undergraduate level). Also, at institutions that offer merit-based financial aid and/or graduate assistantships, the GPA calculation can help determine if a student is eligible for those competitive scholarships. Finally, the credential evaluation can help a U.S. or Canadian institution determine if any transfer credit could be awarded, saving the student time and money towards their U.S. or Canadian degree. 

How can a recruitment agent use a credential evaluation?

Credential evaluations can help you (the agent) with information on a student’s academic profile. When helping students choose schools to apply to, knowing what their GPA is, how many credits they have completed, or if their bachelor’s degree is equivalent to a U.S. or Canadian bachelor’s degree, can help you counsel students to choose schools that align with their academic achievements. If receiving scholarships is a factor for your student, then knowing how well they have done academically can help you determine which schools may be able to provide them with the financial aid they need. Also, knowing your student’s academic profile allows you to have preliminary conversations with admission officers at potential schools to help determine if your student is the right fit for that institution. Having all this information can help you properly guide students through the admission process.

When helping a student choose a credential evaluation organization, what should an agent look for?

There are a variety of factors that go into choosing an evaluation company, while keeping your student’s needs in mind (factors such as time, cost, customer service, etc.). First, figure out what type of report your student needs, and then research to see if the evaluation company offers it. Second, how soon can the evaluation be done? What is the turnaround time for a completed evaluation? Third, what is the cost? Finally, how are the evaluations completed and what documents need to be sent? For example, at ECE it takes five business days (on average) for a completed evaluation. We offer a variety of evaluation report types (general reports that validate prior coursework, course-by-course reports that offer a more in-depth look at what a student has completed, and many other report types). The cost varies depending upon the type of report the student needs, but our cost for evaluation reports is competitively priced in the industry. Finally, our document requirements vary per country. We complete reports based on country-specific data collected by our research evaluator team that spends a great deal of time determining what is most secure and what is truly available to students in their country. We also have a dedicated customer service team to help answer any questions along the way, and questions are answered within 24 hours. Another thing to look for is can the evaluation company receive electronic documents to complete the evaluation. Also, can they send completed evaluation reports electronically to the schools? This can save time and money for your students. At ECE, we can accept electronic documents from a variety of sources like Digitary, the National Clearinghouse, Worldwide Transcripts and more. With ECE® Dispatch, a free online portal, we can send completed evaluation reports to schools that also include color copies of the student’s official, vetted credentials. 

How can I help my students through the process of ordering a credential evaluation?

Helping your students understand what is needed for a credential evaluation to be completed is key to moving them through the process smoothly. Advising the students on what documents to collect and how the documents should be sent to the evaluation company and helping students with the application process for an evaluation will all be instrumental in making the process seamless. I am sure your students will appreciate that help and guidance! Also, check to see if the evaluation company works directly with agents. Perhaps you can have a more hands-on approach with the evaluation application process. At ECE we value working with recruitment agents, and we have a variety of ordering options that allow agents to be directly involved in the application process for a student who needs an evaluation completed. 

Any final thoughts?

While researching evaluation companies, I would encourage agents to review background information on the company. I would look for testimonials and a customer satisfaction rating. ECE is a Charter member of NACES, the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, which is an organization that certifies private companies that provide degree and transcript evaluation services. ECE has over 40 years of experience in international transcript evaluation, and our customer satisfaction is at 90%. Those are all important things to look for when helping your students choose the right company to provide a credential evaluation.