
How Technology Tools Help Colleges, Universities and Agencies Recruit Great International Students

Technologies can be used to improve our ability to identify and recruit top student talents from across geographies. Whether it’s efficient screening of candidates or matching them with universities based on their academic interests, career goals, and personal values. 

In fact, multiple technologies can be incorporated into the entire student recruitment value chain: right from coaching for exams like IELTS, PTE and up to helping them get settled post their arrival in their chosen destination.  

Thanks to newage AI and machine learning technologies, colleges, universities and study abroad agencies have their goal of creating a user-friendly, engaging process that allows prospective students to explore different program options, compare schools, and ultimately select the right school for them.

Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are used to analyze thousands of data points and deliver highly accurate recommendations to students and study abroad aspirants. This helps understand each applicant better than ever before, enabling the creation of a truly unique profile of each candidate.

This means that personalized recommendations can be offered to students based on their previous academic history, helping them to make the right decision when selecting a university.

Technology can also be leveraged to connect with students and alumni who share similar interests and values, making the entire application process more efficient and enjoyable.

Technology can be used in other ways too. For instance, online forms are used to collect information from applicants, thereby saving time and money while ensuring quality control. We also use video interviews to give applicants a real-life feel for what life is like at our partner institutions.

Finally, a different set of tools are being used to track applications, monitor progress, and communicate with applicants. Email, phone calls, and live chat sessions are all used to ensure that every step of the application process is completed smoothly and effectively.

Technology is crucial to improving the recruitment process and creating a positive student experience. It provides a more personalized service, saving time and money while increasing the overall satisfaction of clients.

In this article, we'll share how multiple technologies are utilized to find, qualify, match and equip Indian students to study abroad. 

Tech for Exam Prep

Students prepare for exams like IELTS (Academic and General), GRE, TOEFL, SAT, PTE and Duolingo on tech-enabled platforms. Live online training that's interactive and pre-recorded training that's self-paced can be offered – with supplementary study resources loaded onto a digital platform.

This digital supplemental library can be loaded with thousands of video lessons covering various topics including vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, writing, speaking, listening, and pronunciation. User-generated content (UGC) and forums can also be leveraged for better results. 

Tech enablement makes it possible to offer real exam taking experience through simulated testing engines. Students can enhance their performance by learning how to study effectively in this way.

Key exam taking skills like effective time management can be dealt with extensively. When coupled with detailed feedback and practice tests, students take advantage of interactive tools to review their progress and prepare for future tests.

Tech for Program Shortlisting

AI technology can be exploited to analyze thousands of variables, including the student's interests, academic history, and career goals, to determine the most suitable course. Hundreds of colleges, universities, and programs can be efficiently indexed and made available for your student clients. 

If you're looking to match students to the right college abroad and vice-versa, it's important to consider factors beyond GPA and test scores. AI helps with the perfect match for students based on these additional factors.

Students who tech-enabled program shortlisting services receive personalized recommendations tailored to their specific needs. They can apply directly to the schools they've been recommended, saving them valuable time and money.

This also saves a lot of time and effort for colleges, universities and their agents. In fact, without taking advantage of the technologies and tools available at our disposal many of these activities are not possible. 

And so, because program shortlisting is powered by AI technology, students get access to the same information as university admissions officers. This means they can be confident in their decisions, knowing that they've made the right choice.

In brief, program shortlisting helps students find the best match between themselves and programs.

Tech for Student Recruitment Events

If you've ever tried to hold a study fair, you know how hard it can be to coordinate with multiple schools. But thanks to innovations in this area, recruiters and institutions can now meet prospective students at events like conferences.

Unique virtual events platforms that simulate real-life events are the trend these days. Schools and recruitment agencies can host their own study fairs online. Students will no longer have to travel far for school fairs. Participants can take part from anywhere, such as from home.

Schools can connect with applicants through live video streaming. Students can view presentations and ask questions directly to representatives from participating schools.

Many schools use these platforms to host their recruitment events and streamline the application process so that students are able to find information about their programs and apply more easily. Spot offers are provided as well. 

Finding qualified students who might otherwise go unnoticed is now possible. Event hosts can reach out to students who don't usually attend study fairs because those fairs are not always accessible.

Tech for Application Workflows

Tech-enabled platforms available today allow students to complete their entire college application process online. Students can upload their documents, interact with colleges and universities through recruitment agents via email, chat, and phone, and keep track of their application progress on a single dashboard.

With these platforms, students can apply to multiple schools at the same time, saving them money and time. They can also easily switch between schools, making the process seamless.

These modern systems also eliminate the risk of missing important deadlines and ensure that every student receives timely responses to their questions.

Students stay organized throughout the application process. They can access their application status, view transcripts, and update their information at any time.

The entire application process is streamlined and it provides students with a reliable way to manage their applications. The process nowadays is predictable, well-documented, and reliable.

Tech for Pre-departure and Other Value-Added Services

Alumni connect initiatives are now a close possibility where prospective students can interact with current students studying abroad. This offers many benefits including knowing the foreign country, learning about the universities through unbiased eyes of a current student. 

A fully integrated platform to up-sell services like SOP writing, ticketing, travel insurance, forex and more - makes it easy to earn more per client while maintaining the quality of deliverables. 

About Kanan International (

Kanan International has a dedicated technology stack for each of the use cases discussed above. In fact, without our technology backbone we would not have been able to handles 60,000+ successful cases since 1996. 

Our goal is to help students prepare for their overseas experience and to assist them in making the most out of their study abroad experience. We hope this helps our readers and their friends who may be considering studying abroad.

In conclusion, we've covered a few different ways Kanan's technology tools help colleges, universities and recruiters recruit first-class international students. These tools help us better understand the needs of prospective students around the country, thereby improving the recruiting process.

To know more about Kanan International’s services and offerings, please visit