
AIRC Inside Look - Aug 12, 2021

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In this Issue

Aug 12, 2021
Conference and Events 
Advocacy and Policy Updates
For AIRC Members 
Leadership Team Updates
AIRC Welcomes 
Conference and Events 

Summer is flying by! Have one less thing on your to-do list and register for the 13th Annual Conference before school starts! 

Register Now
Thank you to those who submitted session proposals for AIRC’s 13th annual conference. Over 50 session proposals were received for 30 spots. Session chairs will be informed of their session status in the coming days.
Apply to Become a Conference Sponsor
Interested in Exhibiting? Apply today!
AIRC's Professional Certificate in International Student Recruitment and Enrollment Planning (ISREP)
Consider AIRC’s online course in International Student Recruitment and Enrollment Planning (ISREP) as a means to advance your career professional skills while benefiting your institution with a new strategic international enrollment plan.  Learn more or sign up today. AIRC Members receive a 30% discount off the course fee.
AIRC Certified Agency Fair Events:
View the current listing of AIRC Certified Agency Fairs and Events 
Do you want to highlight your fair in our newsletter? Contact Us* 

*Only for AIRC Certified Agencies 
Advocacy and Policy Updates
AIRC recently surveyed its members on visas and travel plans. Here are the survey results.

Recruitment Travel Return Survey Results: Inconclusive. The survey did not produce sufficient data for analysis. Thank you to the AIRC members who completed the survey.

Results coming soon. Visa Survey in partnership with Alliance for International Exchange.
For AIRC Members
The Membership Renewal Grace Period is Almost Over
Renew your membership before August 31, 2021 to continue AIRC member benefits for your organization.
Renew Now

Now Accepting Applications for the MPL Research Award

The Marjorie Peace Lenn Research Award is open to both undergraduate and graduate students from accredited U.S. colleges and universities. Learn More or email member services to receive the application.

Last Call: Apply to Join a Working Group!

Joining an AIRC working group is a great way to contribute to the field of International Enrollment Management while advancing your professional development.

Working Group Spotlight: Educational Pathways Group.
The U.S. educational landscape is incredibly rich, spanning formal opportunities such as K–12 and secondary schools, vocational and business training, English language programs, community colleges, and undergraduate and graduate programs. Short-term study abroad programs, and volunteer, internship and cultural programs and experiences add to these rich options. This Working Group will produce a White Paper that outlines the distinctive pathways available to international students coming to the United States.
Learn about all working groups. 
Featured Resource

Q. What is credential evaluation?  

A. A credential evaluation (referred to as an assessment in Canada) compares academic and professional degrees earned in one country to academic and professional degrees earned in another. Colleges, universities, employers, and governments use credential evaluations to evaluate foreign education as part of the admission or hiring process. Continue Reading

Nominate yourself or a colleague for an AIRC Award

AIRC is proud to present awards in the following categories to outstanding members. Nominate yourself or a colleague by September 5, 2021 to be considered! 

AIRC’s Rising Professional Award
AIRC’s Agency of the Year Award
AIRC’s Institution of the Year Award
AIRC’s Reviewer of the Year Award
AIRC’s Distinguished Service Award 
Nominate Now
Leadership Team Updates
Deadline for Board of Directors Nominations Extended   

AIRC has extended the deadline for nominating colleagues to serve in various roles on the Board of Directors. Click here to learn more about the open positions and the nomination process.
AIRC Welcomes 
Is your organization hiring? 
AIRC welcomes job listings* to post in our newsletter. Contact us to get your job posting in our next edition. 

*For AIRC members only. 
Thank you to our Annual Sponsors!
Click the sponsor's logo to learn more. 
Interested in becoming an AIRC Annual sponsor? Contact Us.
Copyright © 2021 AIRC, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 7522,
Falls Church, VA 22040


AIRC Inside Look - July 29, 2021

Subscribe to Our Newsletter


In this Issue

July 29, 2021
Conference and Events 
Advocacy and Policy Updates
For AIRC Members 
Leadership Team Updates
AIRC Welcomes 
Conference and Events 

Just added! Fun Run/Walk sponsored by SannamS4
The theme of this year’s Fun Run is "Walking the Walk.” Walking the Walk is about standing in solidarity with our LGBT+ community both within AIRC and at large. Participant donations will go to an LGBT+ charity/organization in the state of Florida (TBD). We hope to see you there!

Register Now
 New Sponsorship Opportunities recently added.
*Demo Session Time Slots 
*Sponsored Refreshments and Drinks Time Slots 

Only 6 slots available. Check out our Sponsorship Guide for details. 
Apply to Become a Conference Sponsor
Interested in Exhibiting? Apply today!
AIRC's Professional Certificate in International Student Recruitment and Enrollment Planning (ISREP)

Enroll now in AIRC's professional certificate course. This comprehensive course provides the tools and training for you to develop an international recruitment strategy for your institution.  Learn more or sign up today. AIRC Members receive a 30% discount off the course fee.
AIRC Certified Agency Fair Events:
View the current listing of AIRC Certified Agency Fairs and Events 

Do you want to highlight your fair in our newsletter? Contact Us* 

*Only for AIRC Certified Agencies 
Advocacy and Policy Updates
From Forbes: Setting The Record Straight On Optional Practical Training Read more
For AIRC Members
Still Owe Your AIRC Membership Dues? 
Membership renewal is an easy process and takes only minutes of your time. Renew your membership today to continue AIRC member benefits for your organization.
Renew Now
Certification Update 
The AIRC Certification Commission accepted the substantive change for a Certified Agency name change: Winny Immigration and Education changed to MyStudia, which is the DBA of Vidhvaan Inc.

Now Accepting Applications for the MPL Research Award

The Marjorie Peace Lenn Research Award is open to both undergraduate and graduate students from accredited U.S. colleges and universities. Learn More or email member services to receive the application.

New Job Posting!
International Recruitment Specialist-  University of Houston
Featured Resource

Sample Introductory Email 
Ever wonder what you should include in an introductory email to potential agency partners? Don't worry, we have a template in our resource library. 
To view this resource, login to your AIRC account and search Institution to Agency Introductory Email Template in the Member Resource Library. 
Member Spotlight 
This month we feature Mona Chorera of Midway University. Click on the image below to watch this flash interview. 
Leadership Team Updates
A Message to our Colleagues in California 
AIRC has written to colleagues at public institutions in California to inform them of a law in that state that restricts state-funded travel to 17 states, including Florida. This law may impact the ability for colleagues at California public institutions to attend the AIRC Annual Conference. However, AIRC believes the Annual Conference meets the law's exception criteria and stands ready to support any colleagues who are affected. Read the letter and how AIRC will offer support.
AIRC Applauds US Government Commitment to
International Students

Today, the United States government–through the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona–has released a significant statement of principles, Reengaging the World to Make the United States Stronger at Home: A Renewed U.S...Read full story. 
AIRC Welcomes 
AIRC Welcomes New Members  

Iowa State University

Marist College
Thank you to our Annual Sponsors!
Click the sponsor's logo to learn more. 
Interested in becoming an AIRC Annual sponsor? Contact Us.
Copyright © 2021 AIRC, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 7522,
Falls Church, VA 22040


AIRC Inside Look - July 15, 2021

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

We are still accepting suggestions for our new newsletter name. Let us know what you think our new name should be by submitting your idea in our Slack community! 

In this Issue

July 15, 2021
Conference and Events 
Advocacy and Policy Updates
For AIRC Members 
Leadership Team Updates
AIRC Welcomes 
Conference and Events 

Join us for one of the first in-person international education conferences in over a year! 

Bonus! Scroll down to learn the 2022 conference location!
Register Now
 A range of sponsorship opportunities are available to promote your organization before, during and after the annual conference. 
Apply to Become a Conference Sponsor
AIRC's Professional Certificate in International Student Recruitment and Enrollment Planning (ISREP)

Enroll now in AIRC's professional certificate course. Learn more or sign up today. AIRC Members receive a 30% discount off the course fee.
AIRC Certified Agency Fair Events:
View the current listing of AIRC Certified Agency Fairs and Events 

Do you want to highlight your fair in our newsletter? Contact Us* 
*Only for AIRC Certified Agencies 
Now Available On-Demand
COVID-19 Concerns: Strategies for Welcoming International Students. Contact Us for Access*
*AIRC Members and paying non-members only 
Advocacy and Policy Updates
It’s official: Biden administration formally withdraws proposed changes to visa duration of status rules. Read more
For AIRC Members

Still Owe Your AIRC Membership Dues? 
Membership renewal is an easy process and takes only minutes of your time. Renew your membership today to continue AIRC member benefits for your organization.
Renew Now

Join Us On Slack! 

Recently asked question in AIRC's Slack Community: ...the commonly available vaccines here are Johnson & Johnson, CanSino, AstraZeneca, Sputnik, and sometimes Pfizer. Are your institutions accepting these? If not, what's your school's plan for vaccinating international students? #askAIRC
See the responses and get your questions answered by joining the community today*! Request to join Slack now. 
*For Active AIRC Members only. 

Now Accepting Applications for the MPL Research Award

The Marjorie Peace Lenn Research Award is open to both undergraduate and graduate students from accredited U.S. colleges and universities. Learn More or email member services to receive the application.

Join an AIRC Working Group

AIRC’s Working Groups bring together international enrollment management professionals and experts to provide critical guidance and support to AIRC’s initiatives, and contribute to the development of new and valuable resources for the membership and the IEM field.  Each Working Group is made up of 6-12 members, including a chair (invited by AIRC) and a Staff Liaison. Timelines and work plans will be developed by each group with direction and support provided by the Chair and Staff Liaison.
Learn More

Introducing AIRC’s Mastermind Circle - A space to share ideas, find solutions, innovate and inspire.

Introducing AIRC’s Mastermind Circle, a new learning and leadership development group for AIRC members. Each quarter the group will meet to dive deeply into leading topics in international student enrollment management. Topics will include practical recruitment tips and best practices, marketing and communications, advocating for resources, advancing the field, and more. Each group will consist of 4-8 participants, including one facilitator.
Tentative Meeting Dates:
• November 17, 2021
• February 23, 2021
• May 4, 2021
Sign Up Now
Interested in a peer-to-peer program instead? 

Click the sign up button above and select Peer-to-Peer Support Program if you are an AIRC member who would like to be paired with a fellow AIRC member from a sister organization (i.e community college with community college). Peers will be encouraged to meet at least once a quarter. The purpose of this program is to build supportive relationships through peer-to-peer interactions on a range of common issues and challenges.

Participants in the Peer-to-Peer Support Program will be matched based on interests, expertise and organizational type.

Do you know? 

Do you know AIRC's definition of an Educational Agency? 
 For the purposes of AIRC membership and certification, an agency is defined as an organization, company or association that recruits and refers students for enrollment into accredited colleges, universities and other educational institutions on a commercial 'fee for service' basis. The term 'fee for services' refers to any payment made by an institution or an individual student applicant to an agency for services related to the counseling advice, application process and acceptance into a course or program in an educational institution. Learn more.
Featured Resource
White Paper: Future Study Abroad Plans for Chinese Students 2021
This 2021 Research conducted by AIRC Certified Agency Beijing New Oriental surveyed over 8,000 Chinese students currently enrolled abroad or planning to study abroad in the future.
To view the full summary login to your AIRC account and search White Paper: Future Study Abroad Plans for Chinese Students 2021 in the Member Resource Library. 
Leadership Team Updates
AIRC's 2022 Conference 
The AIRC Board of Directors and Professional Team are thrilled to announce that AIRC's 14th Annual Conference
will be held in sunny Los Angeles December 7 - 10, 2022! 
AIRC Welcomes 
New Diamond Sponsor
PTE Academic is a computer-based English test that uses state-of-the-art artificial intelligence to provide a highly accurate and secure proof of a candidate’s English skills for university, migration and professional applications.
  •  Results typically available within just 48 hours of taking the test.
  • Accepted for study applications by thousands of institutions worldwide.
  • Approved for all UK, Australian and New Zealand visa and migration applications.
  • Computer-based marking ensures all test takers are scored impartially and accurately.
Thank you to our Annual Sponsors!
Click the sponsor's logo to learn more. 
Interested in becoming an AIRC Annual sponsor? Contact Us.
Copyright © 2021 AIRC, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 7522,
Falls Church, VA 22040


AIRC Inside Look - July 1, 2021

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Welcome to our new newsletter! The name will now be "Insert winning name here." Let us know what you think our new name should be by submitting your idea in our Slack community! 

Our updated newsletter will be sent out twice a month. All member updates will still be found here, in one convenient location along with other important news. Enjoy the new format!

In this Issue

July 1, 2021

Conference and Events
Advocacy and Policy Updates
For AIRC Members 
Certification News
Leadership Team Updates
AIRC Welcomes New Members

Message From the President
We are returning to normal. But it’s a new normal – one that we can define, shape and build. Please take some time for long-desired in-person reunions and indoors and outdoors R&R. While we celebrate the return, please take a look at the myriad of exciting and impactful activities AIRC has planned for you. I strongly encourage you to put in a proposal for the AIRC 2021 in-person conference in Miami. Have a great summer.
Conference and Events 
Join us for one of the first in-person international education conferences in over a year! The 13th Annual AIRC Conference will be in Miami, Florids from December 8th-11th. 
Register Now
The AIRC Annual Conference is the “must attend” event for international student recruitment and enrollment management. A range of sponsorship opportunities are available to promote your organization before, during and after the annual conference. 
Apply to Become a Conference Sponsor
The Session proposal deadline has been extended. Submit your proposal by July 12th, 2021 for this year's annual conference. 
Submit your Proposal
Upcoming Webinar

COVID-19 Concerns: Strategies for Welcoming International Students A Webinar Sponsored by The American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) and the University Risk Management and Insurance Association (URMIA)
July 15, 2021 11am - 12:15pm ET

How is your institution planning to welcome new and returning international students to campus this fall in light of the dynamic Covid-19 situation? Which federal, state, and local guidelines
are you following? What protocols are you putting in place to protect the health of students, faculty, and staff? Will your institution require students to show proof of having received a Covid-19 vaccine? If so, which vaccines will meet your requirement? Will students be required to quarantine upon arrival? What are the costs of the various measures you are taking and which administrators are responsible for overseeing them? This webinar brings together colleagues who
will address these and many other questions as they share how their institutions are planning to welcome international students.
Register Now
AIRC's Professional Certificate in International Student Recruitment and Enrollment Planning (ISREP)

Enroll now in AIRC's professional certificate course. Learn more or sign up today
Advocacy and Policy Updates
The U.S. government has released plans to cancel the proposal to change duration of status to fixed timelines. The Department of Homeland Security plans to withdraw this proposed rule change. Read more.
The State of Maryland has rescinded a prohibition of state institutions partnering with educational agencies. AIRC is deeply appreciative of the efforts of David Di Maria to advocate for this change. Learn more. 
For AIRC Members
Renew Your AIRC Membership Now!
Now is the time to renew your organization’s AIRC membership so that you continue to receive the essential services and benefits on which you rely. Membership renewal is an easy process and takes only minutes of your time. Renew your membership today!
Renew Now

Join Us On Slack! 

AIRC’s Membership Committee welcomes all representatives from our member organizations to our virtual community on Slack. 
This platform is intended to keep the fun and collaborative spirit alive online throughout the year. Among our member community, there is a wealth of experience, knowledge, and creativity…so let’s share it and support each other. Request to join Slack now.

Now Accepting Applications for the MPL Research Award

The Marjorie Peace Lenn Research Award is open to both undergraduate and graduate students from accredited U.S. colleges and universities. The selected awardee will receive a $500 cash award and complimentary all-inclusive attendance to the AIRC annual conference where they will have the opportunity to present their research to the conference attendees. In addition, the awardee’s final research product will be posted on AIRC’s website.

To Apply:
We look forward to reviewing applications! Please email member services to receive the application.

Join an AIRC Working Group

AIRC’s Working Groups bring together international enrollment management professionals and experts to provide critical guidance and support to AIRC’s initiatives, and contribute to the development of new and valuable resources for the membership and the IEM field.  Each Working Group is made up of 6-12 members, including a chair (invited by AIRC) and a Staff Liaison. Timelines and work plans will be developed by each group with direction and support provided by the Chair and Staff Liaison.
Learn More

Introducing AIRC’s Mastermind Circle - A space to share ideas, find solutions, innovate and inspire.

Introducing AIRC’s Mastermind Circle, a new learning and leadership development group for AIRC members. Each quarter the group will meet to dive deeply into leading topics in international student enrollment management. Topics will include practical recruitment tips and best practices, marketing and communications, advocating for resources, advancing the field, and more. Each group will consist of 4-8 participants, including one facilitator.
Tentative Meeting Dates:
• November 17, 2021
• February 23, 2021
• May 4, 2021
Sign Up Now
Interested in a peer-to-peer program instead? 

Click the sign up button above and select Peer-to-Peer Support Program if you are an AIRC member who would like to be paired with a fellow AIRC member from a sister organization (i.e community college with community college). Peers will be encouraged to meet at least once a quarter. The purpose of this program is to build supportive relationships through peer-to-peer counseling on a range of common issues and challenges.

Participants in the Peer-to-Peer Support Program will be matched based on interests, expertise and organizational type.

Featured Resource

Supporting International Students for Fall 2021 • Coordinating Across Campus created by the Immigration Response Team at the University of Minnesota.

AIRC Intern Spotlight

In this edition of our newsletter we are switching things up! We will be spotlighting the newest member of the AIRC team, our intern, Kendall Swanson. Kendall will be with us through the Fall semester 2021. Kendall is a rising Senior at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. She is a Classics major with a minor in Environmental Studies. Join our Slack community to give Kendall a warm welcome! 
Press Play to View 
Certification News
AIRC congratulates the following educational agency for achieving AIRC Certification through 2026.

IBA EDUCON Consulting (Headquarters in Serbia)
It is important that you periodically check AIRC's list of Certified Agencies for updates on agency status and membership.
Leadership Team Updates
New Collaboration
Diversity Abroad and the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) are pleased to announce a collaboration that will help organizations to improve their international enrollment practices. Colleagues from both organizations will work together to develop new resources and programs that assist secondary and higher education institutions to integrate diversity, equity and inclusion principles into their international enrollment recruitment and enrollment operations. A joint working group will work over the next year to develop recommendations and resources and identify best practices.
View Full Press Release
Board Approves New Strategic Plan
At its May meeting the AIRC Board of Directors unanimously approved a new strategic plan that will guide AIRC’s growth over the next three years. The Belong with AIRC strategic plan will inspire our community to expand and diversify it, offer more resources, programs, services and events to support members, exert greater influence in shaping policies that impact both members and international students, and solidify AIRC’s reputation as the association that serves and represents the interests and goals of the international enrollment management field.
AIRC Welcomes New Members
Lawrence University
American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine
Notre Dame de Namur University
Delaware County Community College
Muhlenberg College
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
San Francisco State University
Thank you to our Annual Sponsors!
Interested in becoming an AIRC Annual sponsor? Contact Us.
Copyright © 2021 AIRC, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 7522,
Falls Church, VA 22040