AIRC Inside Look - Aug 12, 2021

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In this Issue

Aug 12, 2021
Conference and Events 
Advocacy and Policy Updates
For AIRC Members 
Leadership Team Updates
AIRC Welcomes 
Conference and Events 

Summer is flying by! Have one less thing on your to-do list and register for the 13th Annual Conference before school starts! 

Register Now
Thank you to those who submitted session proposals for AIRC’s 13th annual conference. Over 50 session proposals were received for 30 spots. Session chairs will be informed of their session status in the coming days.
Apply to Become a Conference Sponsor
Interested in Exhibiting? Apply today!
AIRC's Professional Certificate in International Student Recruitment and Enrollment Planning (ISREP)
Consider AIRC’s online course in International Student Recruitment and Enrollment Planning (ISREP) as a means to advance your career professional skills while benefiting your institution with a new strategic international enrollment plan.  Learn more or sign up today. AIRC Members receive a 30% discount off the course fee.
AIRC Certified Agency Fair Events:
View the current listing of AIRC Certified Agency Fairs and Events 
Do you want to highlight your fair in our newsletter? Contact Us* 

*Only for AIRC Certified Agencies 
Advocacy and Policy Updates
AIRC recently surveyed its members on visas and travel plans. Here are the survey results.

Recruitment Travel Return Survey Results: Inconclusive. The survey did not produce sufficient data for analysis. Thank you to the AIRC members who completed the survey.

Results coming soon. Visa Survey in partnership with Alliance for International Exchange.
For AIRC Members
The Membership Renewal Grace Period is Almost Over
Renew your membership before August 31, 2021 to continue AIRC member benefits for your organization.
Renew Now

Now Accepting Applications for the MPL Research Award

The Marjorie Peace Lenn Research Award is open to both undergraduate and graduate students from accredited U.S. colleges and universities. Learn More or email member services to receive the application.

Last Call: Apply to Join a Working Group!

Joining an AIRC working group is a great way to contribute to the field of International Enrollment Management while advancing your professional development.

Working Group Spotlight: Educational Pathways Group.
The U.S. educational landscape is incredibly rich, spanning formal opportunities such as K–12 and secondary schools, vocational and business training, English language programs, community colleges, and undergraduate and graduate programs. Short-term study abroad programs, and volunteer, internship and cultural programs and experiences add to these rich options. This Working Group will produce a White Paper that outlines the distinctive pathways available to international students coming to the United States.
Learn about all working groups. 
Featured Resource

Q. What is credential evaluation?  

A. A credential evaluation (referred to as an assessment in Canada) compares academic and professional degrees earned in one country to academic and professional degrees earned in another. Colleges, universities, employers, and governments use credential evaluations to evaluate foreign education as part of the admission or hiring process. Continue Reading

Nominate yourself or a colleague for an AIRC Award

AIRC is proud to present awards in the following categories to outstanding members. Nominate yourself or a colleague by September 5, 2021 to be considered! 

AIRC’s Rising Professional Award
AIRC’s Agency of the Year Award
AIRC’s Institution of the Year Award
AIRC’s Reviewer of the Year Award
AIRC’s Distinguished Service Award 
Nominate Now
Leadership Team Updates
Deadline for Board of Directors Nominations Extended   

AIRC has extended the deadline for nominating colleagues to serve in various roles on the Board of Directors. Click here to learn more about the open positions and the nomination process.
AIRC Welcomes 
Is your organization hiring? 
AIRC welcomes job listings* to post in our newsletter. Contact us to get your job posting in our next edition. 

*For AIRC members only. 
Thank you to our Annual Sponsors!
Click the sponsor's logo to learn more. 
Interested in becoming an AIRC Annual sponsor? Contact Us.
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