AIRC Inside Look - July 29, 2021

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In this Issue

July 29, 2021
Conference and Events 
Advocacy and Policy Updates
For AIRC Members 
Leadership Team Updates
AIRC Welcomes 
Conference and Events 

Just added! Fun Run/Walk sponsored by SannamS4
The theme of this year’s Fun Run is "Walking the Walk.” Walking the Walk is about standing in solidarity with our LGBT+ community both within AIRC and at large. Participant donations will go to an LGBT+ charity/organization in the state of Florida (TBD). We hope to see you there!

Register Now
 New Sponsorship Opportunities recently added.
*Demo Session Time Slots 
*Sponsored Refreshments and Drinks Time Slots 

Only 6 slots available. Check out our Sponsorship Guide for details. 
Apply to Become a Conference Sponsor
Interested in Exhibiting? Apply today!
AIRC's Professional Certificate in International Student Recruitment and Enrollment Planning (ISREP)

Enroll now in AIRC's professional certificate course. This comprehensive course provides the tools and training for you to develop an international recruitment strategy for your institution.  Learn more or sign up today. AIRC Members receive a 30% discount off the course fee.
AIRC Certified Agency Fair Events:
View the current listing of AIRC Certified Agency Fairs and Events 

Do you want to highlight your fair in our newsletter? Contact Us* 

*Only for AIRC Certified Agencies 
Advocacy and Policy Updates
From Forbes: Setting The Record Straight On Optional Practical Training Read more
For AIRC Members
Still Owe Your AIRC Membership Dues? 
Membership renewal is an easy process and takes only minutes of your time. Renew your membership today to continue AIRC member benefits for your organization.
Renew Now
Certification Update 
The AIRC Certification Commission accepted the substantive change for a Certified Agency name change: Winny Immigration and Education changed to MyStudia, which is the DBA of Vidhvaan Inc.

Now Accepting Applications for the MPL Research Award

The Marjorie Peace Lenn Research Award is open to both undergraduate and graduate students from accredited U.S. colleges and universities. Learn More or email member services to receive the application.

New Job Posting!
International Recruitment Specialist-  University of Houston
Featured Resource

Sample Introductory Email 
Ever wonder what you should include in an introductory email to potential agency partners? Don't worry, we have a template in our resource library. 
To view this resource, login to your AIRC account and search Institution to Agency Introductory Email Template in the Member Resource Library. 
Member Spotlight 
This month we feature Mona Chorera of Midway University. Click on the image below to watch this flash interview. 
Leadership Team Updates
A Message to our Colleagues in California 
AIRC has written to colleagues at public institutions in California to inform them of a law in that state that restricts state-funded travel to 17 states, including Florida. This law may impact the ability for colleagues at California public institutions to attend the AIRC Annual Conference. However, AIRC believes the Annual Conference meets the law's exception criteria and stands ready to support any colleagues who are affected. Read the letter and how AIRC will offer support.
AIRC Applauds US Government Commitment to
International Students

Today, the United States government–through the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona–has released a significant statement of principles, Reengaging the World to Make the United States Stronger at Home: A Renewed U.S...Read full story. 
AIRC Welcomes 
AIRC Welcomes New Members  

Iowa State University

Marist College
Thank you to our Annual Sponsors!
Click the sponsor's logo to learn more. 
Interested in becoming an AIRC Annual sponsor? Contact Us.
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